
So today's the day the child leaves the babysitter.

Today's the fucking day that I learn why the fuck everybody says date's are a fucking headache. Or was it yesterday? I don't know.

Fucking dates, timezones, time calculations...

  • 1
    If you’re using JS I can recommend moment.js
  • 2
    I was thinking you meant date in terms of rendezvous - until I read "timezones"😅
  • 1
    @zshh I've been using moment for the frontend, the backend it's in python and I think I'll use dateutil
  • 0
    @ElToastGrande I knew someone would interpret it that way, hahaha
  • 2
    Rule of thumb concerning time:
    No matter how careful you are, there's something you haven't considered. No, really.

    Or, more simply: if you're working with time, you're wrong. guaranteed.

    To simplify the simplification: time = really really hard
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