Just going through LastPass, came across some... strange entries in the site match for Instagram... Or is 'importing_from_installer' and '(null)' some new domain name convention?

P.S any opinions on LastPass?

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    @Haxk20 thanks for the heads up, I'm a bit sloppy lately
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    I personally think it should be common sense not to trust a commercial company producing proprietary software with your passwords.

    But that's just my opinion :)
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    @linuxxx I understand the risk but I use different passwords for every account, and I'm forgetting them all the time right now, so I need to store some of them, and keep my more secure logins in my head.
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    @DucksCanCode Oh I don't mean storing them online, I mean LastPass itself. There are a few alternatives which are at least open/transparant about their software and data storage/security. Which is a requirement for software that handles highly sensitive data imo.
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    @linuxxx sounds intriguing, I'll look into it. Thanks!
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    @DucksCanCode Let me call a mate on the last pass part: @jpichardo
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    @DucksCanCode Try bitwarden. I switched from last pass about a year ago and I think it's baller. Plus, it's free and open source, so there's that.
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    @nosoup4u I tried BitWarden recently on iOS... didn’t work properly ☚ī¸
    It wudnt save any password... just keep on showing loading circle with saving written... indefinitely... 😭😭
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    @lnplum responding to which comment?
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    @lnplum BitWarden, Encryptr, haven't searched for many more :)
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