Inspired by @NoMad. My philosophy is that technology is a means to and ends. We’re a tool oriented species. As it relates to software and hardware, they should be your means to achieve your ends without you needing to think. Think of riding a bicycle or driving a car. You aren’t particularly conscious of them - you just adjust input based on heuristics and reflex - while your doing the activity.

For a long time Software has been horrendously bad at this. There is almost always some setup involved; you need to front-load a plan to get to your ends. Funny enough we’re in the good days now. In the early days of GUI you did have to switch modes to achieve different things until input peripherals got better.

I’ve been using windows from 95 and to this day, though it’s gotten better it’s not trivial to setup an all in one printer and scan a document - just yesterday I had to walk my mother through it and she’s somewhat proficient. Also when things break it’s usually nightmare to fix, which is why fresh installing it periodically is s meme to this day. MS still goes to great lengths with their UI so that most people can still get most of their daily stuff done without a manual.

I started Linux in University when I was offered an intro course on the shell. I’ve been using it professionally ever since. While it’s good at making you feel powerful, it requires intricate knowledge to achieve most things. Things almost never go smoothly no matter how much practice you have, especially if you need to compile tools from source. It also has very little in the ways of safe guards to prevent you from hurting yourself. Sure you might be able to fix it if you press harder but it’s less stress to just fresh install. There is also nothing, NOTHING more frustrating than following documentation to the T and it just doesn’t work! It is my day job to help companies with exactly this. Can’t really give an honest impression of the GUI ux as the distros have varying schools of thoughts with their desktop environments. Even The popular one Ubuntu did weird things for a while. In my humble opinion, *nix is better at powering the internet than being a home computer your grandma can use.

Now after being in the thick of things, priorities change and you really just want to get things done. In 2015 I made the choice to go Mac. It has been one of my more interesting experiences. Honestly, I wish more distros would adopt its philosophy. Elementary only adopted the dock. It’s just so intuitive. How do you install an application? You tap the installer, a box will pop up then you drag the icon to the application folder (in the same box) boom you are done. No setup wizards. How to uninstall? Drag icon from app folder to trash can. Boom done. How to open your app? Tap launch pad and you see all your apps alphabetically just click the one you want. You can keep your frequent ones on the dock. Settings is just another app in launchpad and everything is well labeled. You can even use your printers scanner without digging through menus. You might have issues with finder if your used to windows though and the approach to maximizing and minimizing windows will also get you for a while.

When my Galaxy 4 died I gave iPhone a chance with the SE. I can tell you that for most use cases, there is no discernible difference between iOS and modern android outside of a few fringe features. What struck me though was the power of an ecosystem. My Mac and iPhone just work well together. If they are on the same network they just sync in the background - you need to opt in. My internet went down, my iMac saw that my iPhone had 4g and gave me the option to connect. One click your up. Similar process with s droid would be multi step. You have airdrop which just allows you to send files to another Apple device near you with a tap without you even caring what mechanism it’s using. After google bricked my onHub router I opted to get Apples airport series. They are mostly interchangeable and your Mac and iOS device have a native way to configure it without you needing to mess with connecting to it yourself and blah. Setup WiFi on one device, all your other Apple devices have it. Lots of other cool stuff happen as you add more Apple devices. My wife now as a MacBook, an IPad s d the IPhone 8. She’s been windows android her life but the transition has been sublime. With family sharing any software purchase works for all of us, and not just apples stuff like iCloud and music, everything.

Hate Apple all you want but they get the core tenet that technology should just work without you thinking. That’s why they are the most valued company in the world

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    Wow I didn’t expect this to be so long!!!
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    @NoMad with the size of this post, I don't think he'll be able to finish it within 5min. 😂
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    @Aitkotw Just missed it lol
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    @NoMad I actually wanted to talk about that. You do have full posix Power if you need it. BUT it has a built in safety feature that prevents you from breaking the system. It’s also there to minimize the attack surface of s root escalation attack. You can turn it off, but requires quite s but if effort - you need to be in recovery mode. I find that to be really good training wheels if your just learning how to shell
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    I wonder what @linuxxx @ewpratten, @irene, @gitpush think
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    @windlessuser yup just get the right tool to get your shit done.
    But again privacy is zero with MS and Apple, not sure about Linux I'm no expert, once you are online I doubt privacy has a place.
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    @irene I guess it depends on your point of view re: gestures. Force touch has grown on me and I just can’t go back to a mouse after using a touchpad
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    M on Mac and iPhone... love them a lot... but some things like no file manager on iOS do bother me...
    Also, Mac gets my work done no probs... it’s smooth and fast and very intuitive... I love it... but I wish it had more customizability 😭 that is the only thing it lacks 😕 ( as in window manager, and stuff )
    That is a reason why m very excited about chunkwm... tiling window manager for Mac OS 😍😍😍
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    @Electrux iOS has a file manager now since IOS 11
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    @windlessuser which can just manage the iCloud and google drive ( if u have that ) files.
    Not the files locally on the phone.

    Not on iPhone at least... idk about iPads 😕
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    I don't agree with some of your opinions so here we go:

    - Linux requiring an intricate knowledge to use it. Imo and ime that's simply not true. My parents, sister and quite some very a-technical people I know use it and they don't even have the slightest technical knowledge but from most people I haven't heard a single thing. It just works for them.
    Things never going smoothly - although I can't speak for all or even a tiny part of the Linux users worldwide, for the Linux users I know, everything just works fine without any issues and has been working fine for about 7 years now.

    - Mac working good/intuitive/simple. I've had to work with it for a little and I can't work with their freaking interface. Same goes for my sister who has tried it, she just doesn't get how it works. Friend of mine used it daily and he still doesn't find it intuitive after years. This again doesn't go for everyone but I think this is more of an opinion than a fact. Also I can't speak for all Mac users of course.

    - iOS hardly different than Android. Sorry but nope. Shitloads of things on these two systems are different. I've tried working with iPhone myself but nope.

    - Ecosystems. They're fine! As long as they give the users freedom to do as they please and also possibly interact with other ecosystems.

    Last but not least, in a past-snowden era I find it highly irresponsible to use closed source software. Since companies like apple and Microsoft are stationed in the US and their operating systems are closed source, they could be forced to build in backdoors through gag orders. Next to that we know that those companies are in the prism surveillance system meaning that the nsa can get access to their data anytime.

    I don't have any good word for these companies and their software.

    All just my opinion/2 cent :)
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