As much as I use my smartphone on the daily, I have never seen myself using it in my dreams.

  • 4
    Damn you are right wtf
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    Our subconscious knows what's not important in life
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    I've never seen myself shitting in *my* dreams but that's never made me want to intentionally constipate myself
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    I've had several dreams with phones

    Though not exactly

    I received text messages and see the text messages... But not the phone / how I got them

    There was one time I was time traveling and I took the wrong phone with me I think though. It was important to the time traveling plot, so the phone was quite visible multiple times
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    There was one dream I had when I dived into game development in college that terrified me

    I was playing a shooter game in like a VR shot, but I kept having to struggle with the GUI... Fuck, I thought my life's purpose was to ensure that never fucking happens when I had woken up. I was haunted for 3 days.
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    @b2plane have you ever seen yourself shitting in your dreams?
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    During covid I had a couple dreams where the only thing that existed was an idiomatic smartphone; a portrait format 2:1 display in a black void that emitted perfect quality sound and had a picture but didn't illuminate anything, and my only interaction was a sort of circular cursor that moved where I wanted it to. As far as I could tell, I didn't have a body or fingers.
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    I had a dream about selecting memory and processor upgrades for purchase for my brain implants. Never about cell phones though.
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    @jestdotty I liked it, but because it appealed to my worst tendencies. I moved to England in september 2020 to participate in a university progranme but I only met people other than my housemates a year later. I became totally sedentary, my sleep cycle separated from sunlight, I did tens of 14 hour shifts on various passion projects and then helplessly floated around binging YouTube for weeks.
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    Oh I frequently dream about my phone and accidentally texting someone something really embarrassing and/or rude. Then I wake up and check my real phone to make sure it was a dream.
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    @electrineer The fourth temple shall be built in Flutter.
  • 0
    Ha, that's very true!
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