

  • 3
    you're trolling... Stadia closed down last I checked
  • 1
    Damn… real shit
    Stadia doesn’t work anymore
    Well, at least I have a chromecast now
  • 0
    Get a ps5 😁
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode too expensive & I have no room for it…
  • 4
    this piece of shit doesn't work! fuck google
  • 0
    @kiki where did you get it from? If you got it from google they deliberately ripped you off! Assholes selling defective products that don’t work
  • 8
    Nice paperweight!
  • 0
    I’m still outraged google is selling these instead of trashing them
  • 3
    @TeachMeCode why a ps[whatever] or xbox[whatever] when a clearly far superior platform (pc) already exists?
  • 2
    first, yes pc exists but gaming pc is too damn expensive

    second, I checked tech youtube, and google stadia was EVERYWHERE

    someone whined about speed, but I have fiber net

    still doesn't work tho
  • 1
    @tosensei > "why a ps[whatever] or xbox[whatever]?"

    In my house (my son) and in-laws, it's the games that are only available on the Playstation platform (ex. MLB The Show)
  • 2
    I honestly assumed that it was a joke. Didn’t you get the news about stadia?
  • 1
    @kiki The answer you're looking for is ..... piracy.
  • 4
    @kiki "gaming pc is too damn expensive" only if you insist on having a top-notch-beats-every-console-into-the-dust-system for one game only.

    if, on the other hand, you want a system that is on-par and play a lot of games, 1) you don't need to shell out that much more for the system and 2) you save the markup that console games have over pc versions because they need to finance the consoles themselves, which are sold at a loss (to trick users into exactly this mindset)

    also, you save on online subscriptions, because you don't need to pay monthly to play with others.
  • 3
    @tosensei plus, you can play FPS and RTS games with mouse + keyboard.

    And before anyone says that they prefer a gamepad…
    Some cross-play online games give console players an advantage because otherwise they can’t compete with keyboard+mouse players on PC.
    That alone is a pretty solid argument that at least some games are just inferior on console.
  • 1
    Can you use the controller with a real PC to play real video games?
  • 4
    @nururururu you can plug anything into a PC.

    @LensFlare jup. FPS and RTS basically offer the choice "go PC - or go suck".

    imagine having to play a shooter on a gamepad _without_ tons of aim assist.. or with "balancing" the weapons to the point of an assault rifle having less effective precision than a shotgun (i'm looking at you, halo 1)
  • 0
    Is $1300 too much for a gaming PC?
  • 2
    @tosensei I mostly play my Nintendo DSi these days anyway, so… But you're still right, I didn't think of cost per game. It's not like you have both steam and gog on your ps5 :D
  • 2
    @kiki even if you buy physical copies from a physical store you save about 15 bucks per game.

    now if you add the discount offers, humble bundle and similar, and the possibility for _second hand_ games, PCs are a no-brainer from a financial perspective.

    and we didn't even have to resort to piracy.

    as for DSi: get a steam deck and emulate. even the switch is an inferior experience when compared to this. (and noooo, emulation does not necessary equal piracy. but given how nintendo hates their customer base, pirating their games seems more like a civic duty nowadays)
  • 1
    @Demolishun > "Is $1300 too much for a gaming PC?"

    I got a steal on a Legion ($800, spec'd at over $1,200), so no, $1300 is not too much.

    My next choice was an OriginPC spec'd at/around $2,000.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail I have got about 1500 into my lappy that plays Cyberpunk just fine. It actually works harder on modded Minecraft..
  • 0
    @tosensei why emulate if I have the hardware? About piracy though… I don’t care as long as the game is not an indie one.
  • 4
    @kiki i see your obscure antiquated game tech and I raise you this:
  • 1
    @tosensei image playing a FPS on any standard controller without a functioning left hand-- then you're in my reality.

    Ironically, I'm a master level with physical hardware(and writing drivers for almost anything), even have plenty of worthy components to craft any custom controller... still occassionally make custom arcade/fighting game boxes (typically the large/'lap-top' ones with old school style joysticks) if i like someone enough.

    But... I've been handicapped since 13 so I'm used to my ways now.

    Plus, sometimes I just really enjoy kicking some kid's (kid = rel to maturity, not actual age) ass in FPS MMOs just to drop the unique burn: You just got beat by a 1-handed blonde chick who cant even press all the buttons!

    ...Or something adjacent and better flowing. Technically my left hand is there and 1-handed can/does equally apply for the situation. I just wish there was a better term(thatd be within the comprehension lvl of most people).
  • 0
    @awesomeest I watched this pro gamer "try out" this reconfigurable joystick setup once (prototype). He was busy doing stuff with one hand so he set it up to work one handed. He then immediately trounced everyone with seemingly little effort. That is when I realized I was out of my league when it came to professional gaming. I was truly in awe.
  • 2
    @Lensflare my preference of a gamepad is directly in line with your commentary... not being satirical or at all joking, I prefer a standard controller for FPS because it gives others a (albeit highly ironic in my specific case) handicap.

    Tbh im pretty sure its more that im just weird than actual skill. Like in fighting games, i can't intentionally do a quarter-circle to save my life, and my ability to block vs oddly jumping up and down is about 2:5. Ignorant to combos etc, i typically just spam in a very effective manner... and win.

    Im honestly not trying to brag(im dead in FPS if a ½ decent player notices i cant go backwards)... I end up needing to do similar things in other activities/games. Like i play MtG but dont typically play any pre-built deck formats... i intentionally avoid all info/teasers/etc for pre-release events too... last time i subconsciously caught 5-10 min of a promo or some sort of preview discussion... it was bad, really bad.

    Im open for suggestions.
  • 1
    @awesomeest we noticed when you didn't know how to play some fighting games you would actually do better for a while. It was kinda funny.
  • 1
    @kiki you could always get something like this

    Its just linux handheld with wifi and several pre-installed emulators.

    Personally, im excited to be getting one of these in the next couple months (cant go into why/how but I'm definitely not paying that price tag)

    Ive had several GPD devices over the years, they are awesome, great quality, lack of bloat, solid components and a decent level of basic, built-in tweak-able functionalities... like quick swap desktop layouts, tweak settings for fans and component resources, my last 2 had a physical switch to turn on/or increase the fans too.

    The price tag is definitely steep, but tbh, the tech is so well built that with a few connectors (and/or a small/cheap projector or travel display) and a full-size keyboard/mouse... it can easily replace a typical pc and/or laptop, depending on your situation. Doesn't hurt that theyre super cool.
  • 0
    @awesomeest to clarify... the price is actually quite competitive to low for what it is. They also have several other models with valid specs for most modern gaming and significantly lower pricing than comparable gaming laptops or pcs.
  • 0
    LOL, insert a late Internet Explorer joke.
  • 1
    @kiki "why emulate if i have the hardware"

    well - have you ever played breath of the wild on 4K 60fps?

    i know that switch-users haven't.

    have you ever played ocarina of time with a controller that doesn't look like (and probably feel) like poseidons dildo?

    i know that N64-users haven't.

    [include further obvious advantages ad lib]
  • 0
    @tosensei come on, Nintendo DS games aren't that advanced anyway
  • 1
    @kiki in that case how about "being able to have the COMPLETE library of ALL games for a platform EVER neatly packed away in your storage"?

    no more fumbling with cartridges, or deciding which game to carry around.

    just have it _all_
  • 0
    I had to look twice, because at first glance I thought it was a fucking dreamcast.

    I think I'd be more excited for that than stadia.
  • 2
    @tosensei when presented with that much choice, my brain halts and ragequits. I bought a DSi for cheap exactly because there are only so much games to play & to write on a microsd card. I obviously pirate every game & don't own a single cartridge.

    I get what you're saying tho. I have a gaming laptop, but rarely open it exactly because it offers too much choice
  • 0
    @kiki underrated observation.

    maybe aliens come to earth to find something original outside their own culture.

    And you're standing in line for the next breathe of fire and you hear globknob the destroyer excitedly talk to his friend "I hear the new dark souls in coming out today! Earth is so retro. I knew we shoulda used warp 5 to get here an hour earlier before sun up, so we could be first in line! Now we'll have to head home to sirius II empty handed, and play the same boring matrix simulations that everyone else has been playing for the last 5000 years!"
  • 1
    @kiki thou must embrace our lord and savior, the Random Number Generator, and thou shalt never suffer from choice paralysis again \o.o/
  • 0
    @tosensei by the way, not every switch game can be emulated. I know because I tried
  • 0
    @kiki all the ones worth playing are (BotW and mario kart)
  • 0
    @tosensei it’s not the complete collection of all games of the platform then.
  • 0
    @kiki not for the switch, yes, but for basically any other platform.

    you could have so many SNES-games in your pocket that your lifetime wouldn't be enough to play them all.
  • 0
    @tosensei ps5 exclusives though? can they be emulated? what about latest xbox exclusives? I'm in your camp though, PC is THE superior gaming platform, It's just like we have to be accurate when we convert small people.
  • 0
    @kiki seriously - are there any non-nintendo exclusives that are worth playing?

    and if so: how do they hold up against the myriads of technically-pc-exclusives (indie games, dos games, anything requiring more than half a potato worth of processing power to run, take your pick) - can they be emulated on consoles? ;)
  • 0
    On the pro comment...
    Several games I've beaten pros at over the years... ive learned to intentionally drop my rank or convincingly intentionally lose the majority against most pro level people... especially in fighting games or any non-scope/zoom fps games... fighting games, the pros practice and study combos so hard... and its near impossible to hide thar im winning by spam, albeit incredibly timed spam with savant-level innate autistic pattern recognition/timing and rapid reflexes enhanced from nearly decades on forced 1-handedness ...but for whatever reason that seems to worsen the blow if pointed out (ive even tried to have it slyly pointed out by their best friends as an apparent 'fuck that biatch'...nope)
  • 0

    Fps it's worse... esp if by chance in matchmaking... worse if its their non-pro acc for playing with, carrying/showboating with buddies... over 60% it's like: hey dude you're good; pro?> a girl?!?> *annoy me while studying my playing*> notice i just circle/dont reverse and use limited characters/styles/weapons> ask why> get embarassed> pissed>ashamed for feelings/exclamatories and/or accusations of lying/trolling/cheating> have some big, hard/emo/awkward(for them) apology that i dont get but i attempt to respond in a hopefully sounding understanding/respectful way... then i get to deal with their new found passion to be 'friends'... very rarely its turned out cool... mostly turned out with me bluntly rejecting their 'friendly' behaviour til i gotta just explain my personal preferences, which normally shocks them away from that pursuit.
  • 0
    Buffering [||||¡¡..........]
    Buffering [||||||||¡¡¡.....]
    Buffering [|||||||||¡¡¡....]
    Buffering [|||||||||||||||¡]

    Internet Explorer has stopped working.

    A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

    - Write a batch file to clear your temp and cache files... incl all cookies and redundancies, change/create 2-3 registry keys then restart.
    - Run the .bat
    - Get an AOL floppy someone's using as a coaster or to balance a table
    - Get a friend, or nice librarian (or you'll need to pay the min ½hr of internet/comp use.
    - Format floppy
    - Download Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 Installer, ofc set floppy as path.
    - Get home.
    - Fully delete the previous version.
    - Restart
    - Reinstall via the floppy.
    - Restart.

    Hope that solves it or you'll likely need to lug the PC to a shop for the 99$ special cuz your Norton Antivirus has likely been replaced with a trojan.
  • 1
    @kiki microsoft has really pushed xbox integration on windows... i had to modify my batch script i use for personal Windows installs (along with the xml answer file ofc... i think i may literally stop using computers if i was forced to go through all that install shit just to manually disable a bunch of bs like cortana, ghost-like windows, removing the 'are you sure you wanna do this thing that you just explicitly clicked extra buttons to do?' regedit/forcibly enable custom scripts/cli aliasing... me, minus script ability is probably the closest thing for me to a valid hell... seriously.

    Anyways, lots of xbox live compatibility with pc, and even android if youre great at hiding windows on android devs, have a friend that lets u use their console remotely or are ethically light gray and great at hacking spoiled children or overworked, highly paid, adults.

    Nintendo consoles just look for them used. Often is a surplus/low price because its the most common for kids to lose or sell.
  • 0
    @kiki if you keep overthinking this, here's my suggestion:

    Find some DOS emulator (even a browser one like on dos-games) and find/play Captain Bible and the Dome of Darkness... if youre a drinker or smoke weed, i suggest doing that simultaneously. At some point your face will go from a squinty version of 'WTF? Is this real life? Why?' to hysterical laughing. After u stop laughing, ask yourself your question about what console/whatever.
  • 4
    Never buy a Google product that depends on cloud. Most of them get shut down, and the ones that don't, are gradually degraded to the point they are unusable.
  • 0
    @electrineer I bought a Razor Nostromo 10 years ago. It required an online account to use the drivers for the damn thing. I was so pissed. It would work offline though.
  • 0
    @Demolishun dude L2makeDrivers... it makes life/dev/anything u get annoyed with involving tech/hardware, so much better.
  • 0
    @awesomeest what is L2makeDrivers? I can't find anything.

    Does it support scripts?
  • 1
    @Demolishun no clue if youre being serious or not... but that typically doesnt matter to me anyway.

    Early 2000s l33t speak for learn to make drivers.

    Ive always wondered why writing drivers never got that big wave of nerds over-engineerering to show off like so many, much less/limited use things did... but as i repeatedly state, i have no valid frame of reference for most things...

    im a weirdo/anomaly. I was highly unsupervised, obliviously autistic, and too intelligent for my own good. Add a relatively huge house, finished basement, with half partitioned off as my father's 'work shop', aka where a hoarder who buys tools and electronics he doesnt know how to set up, but has cuz 'that's what men like/have'...oh, and ofc all of the replaced tech...56k modem, a pile of phones he allocated from the aftermath of his church's rummage sale... meant for a dumpster...
  • 1
    Then you have me, a pretending to be "normal" adorable lil blonde girl, assumed as watching tv or typical craft/beading/etc on the non-horde-workshop side...dis/re assembling...scavging for un/known 'ooo shiny!'s and some solder, and a seriously autistic level of never even considering things like 'i am allowed to use a soldering iron/break, rebuild, customise electrical circuits, etc.'...oh and for some reason, despite years of the same lie(being emotionally inept yet learning how to pass, aka mask 24/7 around humans, does have some advantages) i checked out/read cover to cover, nearly every book our local library had on programming and small electronics... also somevon wire tapping after i cut into a phone line at home by mistake and put the aux of my headphones positioned on the bare wire.

    Anything w/ a bios technically (though a bit broadly) supports scripts... but gl trying to boot up a system that you frankensteined hardware chunksv w/o abilityvto write drivers.
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