
Mark Zuckerberg emails Facebook execs
June 9, 2016

I want to end my emails like this dude:

  • 5
    Move fast break things. All the things. Democracy, children, everyones privacy. The social contract. Common courtesy.

    Mo money mo problems.
  • 4
    that's better than a boss that doesn't even tell you what they want and then blames you for it not existing and you still don't even know what they wanted because they're unable to meaningfully communicate

    I mean that's what you're paid for, so duh?
  • 1
    I don't, I rather go to jail from actually doing the thing instead of only masterminding it
  • 4
    @fruitfcker a man-in-the-middle "approach" bless their hearts.
  • 0
    There's nothing worse than having a supervisor that is unable to convey their needs to you and then blames you when you fail to meet those demands.
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