
Whoever says that MacOS is superior or at least on par with Linux in terms of ease of maintenance -- feel free to stick a backwards pinecone up your asshole and push it down with a baseball bat with 5" nails.

The FUCK is this nightmare. You can't even start a process w/o logging in via GUI, password changes are another horror story, esp. for users who have never logged in [warning says to change keystore pass separately... Which doesn't exist...], vnc uses some proprietary protocol, ...

Seriously, even SunOS is easier to maintain, not to mention AIX, compared to this BSD nightmare of a UNIXoid....


  • 4
    I reported this rant by mistake 💀

    wanted to see what's DevRant's "report options" as reference for what im making

    mah bad 😪
    but yes fuck mac
  • 1
    Thanks, having HPUX flashbacks cause of this rant. By the way, you fucking WON "The Game". ;-)
  • 1
    @Demolishun what game?

    Hhrrr.. Hpux 11.. I only had 2 encounters, but they are also stuck in my head for good.

    What a zoo
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