
Oh china, you amuse me again...

This is from a live crane/claw game app. Who's got the most amusing and/or accurate definition of wtf this is and/or means?

I think it might look(possibly be) fucked up/suggestive... but I'm not even sure why.

Also, who wants to win an "Artistic Face Curtain"?

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    This seems right up your alley.
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    So... I went to look at their full description of this prize... I wasn't planning on sharing it, at least this soon, to not give a final answer, negating the amusement of speculation...

    ...But, then I actually looked at it.
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    @Demolishun you make clear basic stuff into meme-esq things... does highly ambiguous stuff like this not ...'inspire'(or whatever) you?
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    @awesomeest this just makes me uncomfortable. lol
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    @Demolishun ok... but why? Elaborate please... i want to understand
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    @awesomeest its slightly suggestive, the image is not transparent (more work to use in a meme), and probably some kind of performance anxiety.
  • 2
    @awesomeest as far as meme goes, I could see it being useful to overlay a hannible lecter mask or something.
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    It's I who am always amused by how little the world's aware of China's hegemony
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    What IS that thing???? It doesn’t even look like a curtain, more like two four legged metallic ring shaped crabs with tiny chained harpoons sticking out of their legs
  • 2
    It's a thing you can wear if people aren't giving you enough weird looks.
  • 1
    @donkulator oh, this is jewelry for people with unnaturally colored hair.
  • 3
    It could be anything:

    * jewelry
    * torture device
    * sex toy
  • 4
    @Lensflare this list is also not mutually exclusive.
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    The bottom one is the CrabMan symbol! Nananananananananana Crab Man!! Crab Man!! CRAB MAN!!! nanananaananananana Crab MAN!! *pinch!* nananananananaanana CRAB MAN! *pinch* Crab Man! Crab Man!! nanananananana….
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    @TeachMeCode remember folks, don't do drugs.
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    @Demolishun Robin laid an egg
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    @Demolishun but without drugs, how are you supposed to make someone use javascript?
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    @Demolishun why does Batman always smell? It’s gotta be the hot rubbery bat suit. Unless he has Bat Cologne
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    @Lensflare nananananananaa TypeScript Man!! nanaanananaanaana TypeScript Man…
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    they both look like they go over the ears, like a face mask - if you turn over the top one it'll look like its upposed to go overthe nose.

    I can't make as much sense with the lower one and also I'm confused by them supposedly being a set: how'd you wear both?

    or do they both need a base of cloth to attach to? like some type of veil or hair wrapping or mask or whatever I'm just not aware of
  • 0
    saw “Scottish Batman” in my google search trends list thingy

    Scottish Batman on a 200 ft hill seeing a goat on fire running in pain: Aye it be the siggal ‘gain. If Shemus think he a MacDoonlessy, he ain’t no MacDoonlessy! Duargh, get me cullin boots
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode don't be watchin batman jump from rooftop to rooftop. Be gettin an eye full under his kilt.
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    @Jedidja did you read the detailed screenshot description too? Lol
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    @kanyewest how, where and why?
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