
Anybody have the bad habits of biting nails down and sometimes tearing the skin off finger-tips just because licking the blood is somehow calming?

If so, how do you combat it?

  • 6
    What type of human are you? 😱
  • 5
    I believe it’s called stress but I ain’t got time for that.
  • 1
    @elonmusk sometimes, I question that myself.
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    @Alice what kinda therapy?
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    @NoMad thanks, already doing that though.
  • 7
    I know this is devRant, but we really need a doctor here, things are getting a bit scary :\
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    @lotd no offense meant bro :D
    But you need to find a different thing to do rather than becoming a vampire lol
  • 2
    @gitpush a vampire? No such thing.
    My Lord, Vladimir (Țepeș) says so.
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    What are you doing when you are bitting? For me it's debugging code. I find the feeling of the nail ripping away from the skin relaxing which is fucked up.

    Chewing gum has helped. I've managed to grow half a nail back now by swapping to this.
  • 2
    Drink more water.



    Well, drinking more water will send you to toilet more. You won't touch your finger very much if you spend a lot of time a day in a toilet. At least, that's what I hope.
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    @randomio @CurseMeSlowly yeah, oftentimes when debugging or pulling hairs instead of yelling at whoever is responsible.

    I drink a lot of water and green tea already, otherwise I get tension headache...
  • 0
    @jespersh what does you mean :p
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    @jespersh so you're saying first segment of rant was good, rest horror
  • 4
    @Jop- like the kind serial killers wear ☝️
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    @Alice I have never seen any pink gloves wearing serial killers 😋
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    @CurseMeSlowly @Alice @gitpush my Lord, Vlad is supposedly one. According too some lore.
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    You are the 4th person that i net that does that (including me). It may seem awkward but i really like the taste of blood.
  • 1
    @ewpratten What why 😅
  • 1
    @ewpratten exactly, for me it is: @Linux & @Linuxxx (basically linux gang lol)
  • 0
    @ewpratten bsd gang
  • 0
    @Alice sounds kinky :p
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