
Found this at my school in the broadcasting department. It makes me mad on many levels

  • 12
    My reaction friends on exactly what they are, because they're certainly not old enough to be collector pieces, but I suspect they're not exactly new either...
  • 9
    I'll have one of those on my keyring if you don't mind
  • 7
    @Zaphod65 most pentiums, a few Athlon 64 v2s and 4 i3 cpus. I may have lifted a few of those last ones...
  • 3
    I guess they are gold plated.... So.......
  • 10
    @theuser @n3xus

    What do you think of my keyring?
  • 5
    Dude, just clean them up and salvage what you can!
  • 5
    Reported for gore.
  • 3
    I would bet they are there for a good reason.
  • 5
    @mbj047 honestly I doubt it. There are things like this just lieing around our school.
  • 4
    @n3xus I did work for a government funded school where we needed to spend our budget before the year ended or we'd lose money. Ordered all sort of useless crap.
  • 4
    Our school has >2 Apple 2 standing around...
  • 3
    What processors were they?
  • 5
    @theaviator Had also one, but drilled the hole too close to the corner so it eventially broke off.
  • 3
    Pffff Just i3s ...
  • 7
    My debut novel is very gorey and bloody... I can handle gore on so many levels, but this... This is enough to shock me!
  • 3
    what kind are they
  • 3
    @Haxk20 Unless you do it in enormous bulk batches, and do a lot of searching for cheap chemicals, you won't make much of a profit. Especially if you consider labor costs!

    It's a lot of fun though. 😁

    I did a lot of PCB etching for home automation and robotics, and recently found out how cheap it is to just let someone in China make a single custom PCB and even solder all the components... but I have to admit that it takes away a lot of the joy.
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