  • 2
    Do you even have hair?
  • 0
    What the fuck does the website have to do with the image?
  • 2
    @atheist I don’t know if he’s or it’s promoting the ai thing or the fb page in his/its profile
  • 7
    At least it's 2 days BEFORE and not AFTER!
  • 0
    Let’s help @alamjani244 reach 1000 ++’s!!!!
  • 0
    @awesomeest pls help @alamjani get 1000 doots and give 5 star score
  • 8
    Plot twist: date is in dd/mm/yyyy so the intern already started three months ago
  • 2
    @atheist u havent gotten that this guy is essentially a bot yet??? Really?... u sure you're an engineer?... seriously, month or so ago a kid at some chinese restaurant i went to, while waiting for my sushi, he was bored and wondered what i was looking at... i said "devRant" he asked to see, i asked if he knew what a dev was. He said he thought he saw it b4 in a video game commercial or something, but "no idea".

    I clicked the first non-perverted meme type thing i saw (previous thread was NSFKids) was this 'guy'. He said he didn't get the joke (tbh i didnt get why it was supposed to be funny either). Since i knew he whole rant list would be reposts from that, mostly shallow, corny, simpleton bait fb.

    Kid clicked 3 of them than looked at me very unamused. Said "this is a bot isn't it?" I told him "probably but not proven"...him "so it's a bot."
    I asked his mom his age, he just turned 10 "last week". She also thought dev meant device. She wasn't wrong.

    Might be better device, devRant.
  • 0
    @awesomeest my remark was more an expression of exasperation. And I only occasionally come on here so hadn't seen them before.
  • 0
    @atheist ok... did u catch it's page here and see the low bar reposts?
  • 1
    @cafecortado ghost intern or powers of invisibility?.... ooo or bigger plot twist, he has powers of invisibility that he mentioned he cant control, even his clothes go invisible... so he's just been clocking in and out but never actually there to work... probably hired sidney or someone of equal internship level to act remotely so the farce goes on.

    Maybe he was never real...
  • 0
    @TeachMeCode no. And no.... plus. Nein, ne, нет, لا... my dev only supports 4 keyboards at a time or id continue
  • 1
    @jestdotty this dude/bot/whatever never responds and judging from content, i don't think they are a dev ir know english.
  • 0
    @jestdotty trying to understand anything posted by this acc i think is the strawberries and/or sugar issue you've described... now we know the cause... trying to understand morons with shitposts==dementia;

    Maybe shitposts also cause strawberry cravings??? Cuz i just grabbed some. You may have been on to something.
  • 0
    @awesomeest all interns are ghosts. Back in my day, the other seniors had no time for chit chat or anything.
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