
Can any dev's recommend a good windows emulation program that supports x64 applications?

Really want to be able to run Gamemaker studio 2 on Linux but would rather not install a fully fledged VM.

I'm willing to work with a VM but just rather not have a 12GB installation for a 256MB program...

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    @NoMad wine supports 64 bit?
    Since when?
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    @NoMad 64 bit application, of course I'll be running 64 bit Linux...

    I thought wine only did 32 bit at this point... Feel stupid now lol
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    Gamemaker Studio 2 is expensive though...
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    @coolq I own it already with all modules, still cheaper than unity for proffesional editions and I dont owe anyone anything, id say its worth it
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    Way out of my budget though, like 500 dollars for full set.
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    @coolq or $49 for a 12 month copy with he base desktop exports, i would still say its worth it tbh
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    Probably, but I like to buy it and own it forever :P
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    @coolq True, but what sort of develpment would you do with it?
    If its just web, just buy the web, if its desktop, just buy the desktop and if its mobile, just get the mobile
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    Hmm, how much is it just for desktop? Lifetime?
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    @coolq desktop is a once off payment of $99 usd for a permanant licence and that includes windows, mac and linux exports
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    Are you serious??? Amazing!

    Can't believe I'm saying this... But I might actually buy it. It doesn't have any watermarks? And I can make money off it?
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    @coolq Yep, no watermarks and can sell the game, no need to pay royalties either
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    Okay, link for buy page? I can't seem to find it at that price?

    Also, just as a side note, Godot is another engine, it's free and open source and works natively on windows, Mac and Linux.
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    @coolq https://www.yoyogames.com/get
    Just under developer hit the "FROM $99" button and it will drop your options down.

    And yeah Im looking at godot but im not a fan of it so far :-/
    I love gamemaker and its GML language too much i think
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    Alright, thanks mate!

    Yeah, I'm in the same boat. It would probably take me some time to get used to the node based engine. Also with GMS2 and it's recent changes, it makes it hard to switch.
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    Also, what's the creator one?
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    @coolq Yeah GMS 2 takes some getting use to but once you get into it, its great!

    And the new variable system is amazing apparently, havn't tested it myself but yeah!
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    @coolq The creator is a glorified test, $39 lets you publish but with a splash screen at the start but the licence only lasts 12 months
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    Aha! Okay, thanks mate! I'll go for Dev version then.

    Here's some tools I've got my eye on:
    (Parakeet, IDE, apparently some features to be desired)

    (GMLive, realtime coding)
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    @coolq Yeah i got parakeet, loved it but parakeet isnt GMS 2 compatible
    And the live gml thing is good but i cant justify the like $68 ish AUD for it.
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    Another Australian :D

    I think the $68 is definitely worth it. The software is 99 * ~1.3 = ~130. So I believe the $68 makes it (68 / 130) * 100 = 52% better.
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    @coolq I suppose but I generally build stuff using ds maps so I can easily edit variables on the fly using a Dev console and I make everything with mod support so I spend little time actually in GameMaker
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    Dev console?
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    @coolq yeah like an inbuilt developer terminal like in Bethesda games
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    Ooooh right! And got make them evaluate the command directly as GML?
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    @coolq sort of, I used a very tough terminal system ages ago and had it on the marketplace but I would create scripts and have them defined as a shortname and the scripts would work out what to do depending on what I tell it to, hard to explain over text lol
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    Sounds cool though. Cool idea 👍
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    @coolq just makes things easy. And I always say if the player can't fuck up the game with commands it's not a good game lol
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    Haha, that's a good motto!
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    Crossover maybe? It's like Wine but supports much more out of the box.
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    have you tried gamemaker through wine or playonlinux?
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    @lxmcf yo no royalties? holy cow
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    @coolq have you heard of gdevelop?
    it's C++ based
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    @mrvica I tried crossover, it's only 32 bit apps it would seem
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    @ParkCity yeah none, pay for the engine and it's ypurs, all your earnings are yours and no need to credit yoyogames, but I still would because don't be a dick ;-)
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    Just had a look, and I'm impressed, but I've spent so much time with GMS it's hard to change 😪
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    @coolq that's how I felt, but once you start getting into the flow of things it's so much faster!
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    I'll switch for my next project, I'm too invested in my current one to change right now 😛
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