
As a developer what is that one thing you hate the most?

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    Being a developer
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    Those that usually cause me trouble ...
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    @gitpush gradle +1
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    @mab07 usually it doesn't but sometimes out of the sudden it just takes a lifetime to finish, and it most of the time it does it when I'm in a hurry and need to push the apk to alpha T_T
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    Other humans
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    trinity of CMS

    TYPO3, WordPress, Drupal
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    wk (insert the number of the weekly rant I can swear got this question but i dont know it)
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    @JFK422 nope. Not yet.
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    Requesters who give you a solution, not a problem to solve.
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    Fugly, shitty code which was written by turd lickers (thx @jAsE for the inspiration).

    I can't stand people who terminate the brain.exe process when they start coding.
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    Clients who dreams big... search like google, posts likes fb, comments like twitter, images like... and can not pay for dreams...
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    @jAsE developers with job ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
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    The infinity of stuff to learn.
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    Humans, especialy those cunt called ยซ clients ยป
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    Clients who want a pixel perfect website, even though their designs are shit
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    Being a sysadmin at work and developer at home.

    Wish I had a dev job...
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    What you are a pro at now is going to be obsolete in 2 years time.
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    Being treated undervalued by cunts who don't understand technology and are broke but demand alot.
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    Timezones defenetly timezones
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    As a CEO I want, Can I get an update on that document I requested?
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    Any part of my job which is not directly related to writing code - meetings, sprint planning, standups etc. Just let me code in peace
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    Writing reports or tax info for terrible database schemas that don't make sense.
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    Microsoft's and Apple's any attempts on the web. Edge, safari and all those shitbricks what need extra care just to work normally as intended (sometimes it isn't even possible).
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