
Are we good?

  • 2
    Are we buggery.
  • 5
    *Are* we good?
    Are *we* good?
    Are we *good*?
  • 3
    We could be gooder.
  • 3
    Things ain't gooding as it used to
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    Johnny be good
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    Nope. If our world was a videogame, present-day humans would be the enemies you get to kill, guilt-free
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    Two of the most useless words in the languages are 'good' and 'bad'. Mostly because people use them w/o thinking what they mean...

    Define 'good'. Are YOU good? What's it mean to 'be good'?
  • 2
    @netikras whatever your subjective notion of good is

    they're not meant to have meanings

    most people talk without knowing what the words they say mean technically. that's called being normal because the powers that be want to 1984 normalize such nonsense. if you care about definitions you are now autistic, and so weird, so let's make fun of you!
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    @netikras There are more useless words, such as "prestidigitator".
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    @jestdotty let's!

    Care to cast the first rock?
  • 2
    @jestdotty I wasn't that technical about words. Well, I probably was, but not with such scrutiny, until my kid turned 6 and started asking questions, like "is Russia bad?".

    Russia isn't "bad". Russia is a country, with its people, authorities, military, but also with their history, ways of living, nature, resources, brilliant minds, helping people, IT technicians,... So.. Is all of that "bad"? My first response was "No, Russia isn't bad; but its authorities are". But then again, bad for whom? For the good of the federation? For its people? For foreigners? If what they do is good for the federation, how would smth good be bad? So which is it then?

    Are stinging nettles bad?

    Is a wolf bad?

    Is a shark bad?

    Raise a kid. And then we can come back to that thought of yours of me being on the spectrum and that making of fun.
  • 1
    I’m the goodliest, scientists can’t explain it!
  • 0
    Recovering from a night out but worth it x

    Got to drive now 🫠
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