Hi there everybody! Just joined the community, an aspiring Java developer (just started learning a few months ago so I am nowhere near calling myself a "Developer"). I'm committed to becoming a developer, and I am trying to join every community and every conversation out there possible to immerse myself as much as I can. Any advice, guidance, people/conversations here to look out for, anything that will help me in my Journey would be greatly appreciated!

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    Rule No. 1 of being a developer: Once you manage hello world in a lamguage it goes on your resume.
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    Welcome to this awesome place man!
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    Most people will disagree with what I'm about to say but I would say that you should try a project you know you can't do. Who cares if you are going to finish it. It will teach you have to figure out problems and will make you learn really quick.

    You should not just skip over tutorials I would say get a book or a good yt playlist and learn the basics if java.
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    Haha that's super awesome to know.. must put it! :D@ThaOneDude
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    Thanks so much!@linuxxx
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    Thanks so much for the tip! I've been a bit apprehensive about trying to just build something and I sit and I think "what would I even build or even try to make" .. but it's something that needs to be done.. and that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to eat up everything that I can, ive been using Lynda.com and using their learning path "Become a Java Developer" and I'm almost done now with it, 30 hours of info and I'm at the last 8 hours, and although the class I'm taking is under the "Advanced" category, I don't feel pretty advanced at all, never even got to learn anything on making a GUI yet lol so I'm trying to eat up anything and everything, so if you or anyone has suggestions on maybe where to go after Lynda I'm down to try anything.. I've been a Network tech all my life and just peered at programming through a glass door my whole career wanting to start but not knowing where to begin, so now that I have I can't/won't stop!! (Sorry for the rant) @iamroot
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    One thing I can say to you that I think is very important. MAKE SURE YOU ARE UNDERSTAND THE BASICS (Sorry I'm not shouting at you 😊) . What I'm trying to say is that try to understand what a class or an object truly is, naming conventions, what is OOP, variables (memory usage), access modifiers and all these things that are fundamentals. Make sure you master your basics and have a solid foundation. I'd say rather do that than to jump to project that you won't know what to do or what tool to use in order to solve the problem. This will enable you to understand other languages much easier and be able to grasp advance concepts much much easier as well. Later on, once you have your basics then you can start with a small project, e.g., a bank simulation. Creating a client, drawing money from your account and depositing into your account. You can make this as complicated as you may see fit. Later on, you can use exceptions, classes and so forth.
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    @johnvillegas40 I'd say start here.
    As @iamroot said don't skip over tutorials. Happy coding and welcome man :-)
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    Thanks so much for the information and the link! That's exactly what I've been going over make sure I completely understand all of the fundamentals so that they're drilled in me @Banele
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