Name one thing more fun than atomically writing values into a gpu buffer and them mysteriously vanishing into the aether immediately after the compute shader invocation

I can literally see them in the buffer using RenderDoc and then as soon as I go to the next command the buffer is completely filled with zeros again as if the values never existed

?? like how ??

  • 4
    I have no idea how that works. It is still all magic for me.
  • 4
    Yup, shader programming is harder than rocket science!
  • 2
    Maybe they’re hiding in the shade
  • 3
    @Lensflare but it's also quite rewarding.
  • 2
    something something write-only something something flush something something multiple buffers?
  • 3
    Thr joy of vulkan synchronization

    Turns out I didn't insert a pipeline barrier between writing dispatch indirect params and the dispatch indirect itself

    RenderDoc seems to insert some barriers, so it was visible there, but in reality the two dispatches where racing so the dispatch indirect still saw the cleared buffer (and thus 0*0*0 dispatch dims)
  • 3
    @thebiochemic I think rocket science is too. You design a rocket and it can succeed or fail. You want it to succeed, but if it fails its like a giant ass firecracker that you collect data from.
  • 2
    @Demolishun where do I insert a debugger watch into my giant ass firecracker?

    that seems like the hard part.
  • 3
    @Wisecrack I am only going to partially quote you from now on: "where do I insert a debugger watch into my giant ass"
  • 2
    @Demolishun you could also change the word order "where do I insert a giant firecracker into my ass"
  • 3
    @Demolishun quotation level: Legendary
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