
You know the old adage "cost, speed, quality, pick two."

I've come up with my own.

Shitty jobs you'll forever be stuck in with no way out: unreasonable demands and coworkers that drive you insane, pay below the poverty line, no sleep.

Pick two.
More likely, pick three.

  • 3
    I chose and choose the first and the last. I prefer not to do the poverty thingy
  • 2
    my PTSD is activating
  • 2
    now if only a place did 2

    the triangle to be fair is optimistic

    so you get 2 to sacrifice 1

    you either get good pay to get abusive management and a waste of your time
    or you get good management, low pay, waste of your time
    or you get no waste to your time, good management, and low pay

    in my experience you just get short end of all these sticks though. I haven't seen an upside.

    even if you have 3 good managers the one shitty one will take over the department
    even if your pay was okay as you gain skills and inflation happens you're now underpaid
    even if they respected your time, now that your software makes them money everyone and their mother is worried about it and so you're stuck in useless meetings where they talk about your baby and impose things on it that are entirely deranged

    you'll always fall into the pit of shit if you're successful
  • 2
    "Look mum it's me! I'm on TV!"
  • 0
    @jestdotty is it anything like transforming into the hulk?
  • 0
    @jestdotty like a zoo, but for people.
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