
on a video call with my whore blonde ex. shes having a mental breakdown sobbing and crying down on the floor for hours due to excessive stress with studying for exams. she is being psychologically torn apart.

her cries in agony is music to my ears.

her depression is my happiness.

her psychological destruction, is my satisfaction.

because she put me through 100x as worse, cold blooded not having feelings or giving a fuck how i felt, when i found out she was whoring around for the past 2 years, stabbing a sword in my back.

i was the only person who viewed her as serious. everyone else used her as a whore.

one man's wife, is another man's whore.

all women are whores.

  • 6
    Eye for an eye makes the world blind. I dunno, does it really feel good not helping her? I don't believe that.

    Also, she has fat tits. Friendly reminder
  • 3
    @retoor she does have fat tits cause theres silicone in them. fake ass tits. but no tits or ass will ever be the reason to view the whore as a potential future partner. it is completely done and shes dead for me mentally. i just need to physically detach from her. im almost there.

    before when she was having these mental breakdowns my heart was in pain. i hate seeing people i love, suffer. turned out she loved seeing me, suffer.

    👱‍♀️: what am i going to do with my life i am so scared about my future

    me: you didnt choose me so i cant help you anymore

    👱‍♀️: i only fucked that guy 6 times in 2 years thats nothing. when did you ever help me?

    i hope she suffers for eternity now.
  • 1
    @retoor i cant make this fucking shit up
  • 2
    @b2plane when did you ever help her? Nah, seriously, break contact or help. This is an unhealthy situation
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    @retoor it is extremely unhealthy toxic and degrading (from the whore's side). hopefully I'll find another girl asap to fuck this whore off. already got 2 lined up just need to take them on a date. with a brand new car it should be cake
  • 3
    @retoor as a person who spent a life helping people who repeatedly kept fucking me, yes

    better to blind than stick around

    granted he seems to be sticking around
  • 2
    @b2plane but after the date, you have to take her home. She has to say hi to your mom and daddy and like the superman bedsheets of your one person bed. Also, it's nice to tell her on first date that you did react once and see how she feels about that
  • 3
    You sound like a psychopath in the making. Leave that poor girl alone if you can't satisfy or help her.
  • 4
    @NoMad we conjectured this is a serial killer origin story going on here. He just hasn't told anyone to put the lotion on the skin yet.
  • 0
    @NoMad you're obviously just another fucking whore. whores always defend whores. if you had seen what she did to me and what mental state she put me through you'd be glad shes suffering now. but you're too arrogant to view the same story from a different perspective, exactly like she is, which seems to be a common trait all whores posses.

    i have literally developed cypridophobia, which is fear of whores. not that im scared of them, but more in context of i dont wanna go anywhere near those disgusting fucking subhuman worthless junkyards due to such high toxic energy they radiate, that it fucks with my mental state too.

    all women are whores.
  • 3
    @b2plane If you are over it, why does she still calls you when having a breakdown ? Why do you even pick up the phone ? Or isn't she blocked ?

    Are you really done with her ?
  • 0
    @Grumm complex emotions are piling in my mind so cant give an answer to that. but each day i have less and less emotions towards her. it will never be the same. she cheated for years and then blames it on me that its my fault. most disgusting behavior ive ever seen.

    now that i bought a new bmw i have even less interest in her. i told her to block the guy she "fucked ONLY 6 times in 2 years" and she refused because hes "just a friend"

    the amount of disrespect and ungratefulness is sickening to me. beyond toxicity and disgust. this type of behavior just helps me dislike her more until a full drop of feelings where i give no shits about a random worthless piece of whore.
  • 3
    do you feel good?
  • 1
    >her cries in agony is music to my ears.

    > her depression is my happiness.

    > her psychological destruction, is my satisfaction.

    if you needed any more clear, unmistakable signs that you need professional pyschiatric help ASAP...
  • 0
    @theNox i feel good seeing a whore get tormented. Nobody and no one has brought me more harm, than a whore. this is their karma.
  • 0

    https://watchpeopledie.tv/h/fights/... love watching whores (women) get beaten the fuck up
  • 0
    @Demolishun very possible that im on the path to becoming a serial killer but only a whore (women) killer. however my beamber gives me peace. a fucking metal with 4 wheels gives me more peace than any fucking whore (woman) ever did. so if the car continues giving me peace i for sure wont become a serial whore (women) killer
  • 3
    @b2plane remember that your mother is a woman, too, you whoreson.
  • 0
    @tosensei my mom is from an old generation of women, the true generation of how women should behave. the last generation of women all of us can actually respect

    but this today

    todays whores (women) is a completely different paradigm shift
  • 0
    @b2plane Has it got air suspension? If it's got air suspension it's going to be one ball-ache after another.
  • 1
    @Demolishun as far as we know, anyway
  • 0
    @donkulator how do i know that
  • 0
    @b2plane can't you just tell her that you would like to support her but still have issues with the cheating period and don't know what to do about it? You obviously still care. That's why you bark so hard
  • 1
    @b2plane After you've had it a year or two it will randomly start sitting down at one corner when the air leaks out of some bullshit valve, or when the computer in the back axle has an argument with the computer in the dashboard and they stop talking to each other. BMW will replace some of the bullshit valves and give the computers counselling, and then it will sit down at a different corner.

    This is because some gimp decided a spiral-shaped lump of iron wasn't complicated enough.
  • 0
    Also, put nitrogen in tires. It's a but more expensive but on the other side your tires stay longer hard. Made a huge difference for my former Saab 9-5. Especially with amount of speediibumps here
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    crazy that we get to bear witness to your humiliation kink on a weekly basis
  • 3
    also which BMW? do you have to pay a subscription to use the fob to unlock the doors and shit?
  • 0
    @spoiledgoods that is a future rant where he finds that out. Also finds more charges on AWS.
  • 0
    @jestdotty was "watch people die" the snuff film one or the funny one? Also reddit sucks
  • 1
    @jestdotty oh god! so not what I was thinking then 😬
  • 0
    @jestdotty it's not fun to kick someone when he's already down. You have to get them on their feet again first. Then it's fun again. He sounds like a honest person tho. You can't make this shit up
  • 1
    @retoor either he's making it all up, or he's insane enough to go on killing someone (most likely the gf) and then go on a bender and end up on 6 o'clock news. I don't see this ending well anyways.
  • 2
    @NoMad the reason he barks so hard is that he's barking everywhere in exception of the person he's mad on. It doesn't satisfy him, so he keeps doing it. He's probably just very nice to her still
  • 1
    @retoor I kinda wish she'd see his rants.
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    @NoMad I think about more people like "does your spouse/partner knows this?". I'm looking at you @ostreamii
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    @jestdotty years ago a neighbor of mine killed his cheating girlfriend and then jumped off of 5th or 7th floor balcony himself. I didn't know him, but those who did never suspected he'd be capable of that. I know it's not black and white, but still where there's smoke, there's fire. He's already admitting to being violent and sexually abusive and exploitive.
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    @jestdotty I've never been cheated on, nor have I ever cheated. So yeah, I'm no judge. But taking a life for such a thing in this day and age still takes a violent psychopath, not just your ordinary Joe.

    Also plenty of people who say they have been cheated on are just paranoid. But how often people have cheated also cancels out plenty; One was cheating, so did the other and then the relationship fell apart. Tale as old as [modern] times.
  • 1
    @jestdotty 30%-60%? Those are very depressing numbers.

    I've also never been cheated on or have cheated. With a retoor on your side you won't have energy left for a side bitch. I love to talk about submarines and aircraft carriers, it makes people very tired. Also can talk endlessly about coding - almost every ex tried to become a coder being or after being with me
  • 2
    @jestdotty So, first you stole her boyfriend and you've advised her new boyfriend to dump her?

    What did you like about a mega shy guy?
  • 1
    @jestdotty `he thought he was gonna help me with my computer problems and I found it funny` -> it's so funny/cute when they think that. For some reasons every guy thinks they're better than it by default. If a random guy not being a nerd beats me with it, i quit! :P
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