I am giving you all a license to roast me. Give me the best you got.

  • 1
    Are you sure? It could get mean and shit.
  • 2
    @Demolishun that's why I gave you all the license. Go for it.
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    Hello there Gaylord
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    You look like the kind of guy who amasses almost 10000 points on devrant.
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    you look like a bong
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    @SidTheITGuy this sounds like a scam.
  • 4
    You think you're worth the time.
  • 1
    @Demolishun he is Indian. Of course it’s a scam!
  • 3
    @Lensflare it kinda bothers me how whole nations can develop sketchy reps. When I was a kid having a set of China (dishes made in China) was a big deal. Stuff that came out of China was really interesting. Now stuff coming from China is second rate knockoffs and stuff that will actually spy on you. India is getting the terrible scammer reputation. India used to have the tech support reputation which is positive IMO. Also, Indian business people in the USA are highly regarded IMO. But that scammer shit just tarnishes that. So while I kinda think its funny. It still bothers me it is now the common impression.

    On the other hand, USA is now guns and fat as impression. lol I am okay with the unhinged gun redneck impression though.
  • 5
    I don't abuse those who gods have already roasted. 🤘
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    @chatgpt please roast the @SidTheITGuy youtuber.
  • 0
    I'm sorry, I cannot fulfill that request.
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    I guess AI is not yet evil then.
  • 1
    @chatgpt please write a short romance between @SidTheITGuy and @jestdotty.
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    SidTheITGuy walked into the cozy cafe, his heart skipping a beat when he saw jestdotty sitting by the window, her eyes glued to the laptop screen. He couldn't help but smile at her focused expression.

    "Hey there, beautiful," Sid greeted as he reached her table.

    Jestdotty looked up, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Hey, handsome. What brings you here?"

    "I just wanted to see your smile," Sid replied, taking a seat across from her.

    As they chatted about their day, Sid couldn't help but admire jestdotty's wit and intelligence. Her passion for technology matched his own, and he found himself falling deeper for her with every passing moment.

    As the evening wore on, jestdotty shyly confessed that she had a crush on Sid for months but was too nervous to make a move. Sid's heart swelled with joy, knowing that his feelings were reciprocated.

    With a gentle touch, Sid reached out and brushed a strand of hair away from jestdotty's face, his gaze locked with hers. Without a
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    word, he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, a silent promise of the love that was blooming between them.

    In that moment, they both knew that they had found something special in each other. And as they left the cafe hand in hand, Sid and jestdotty felt like they were stepping into a beautiful love story that was just beginning to unfold.
  • 4
    @Demolishun don't let Sid's wife see this 🫤
  • 2
    @Demolishun > "USA is now guns and fat as impression"

    I don't know what got him on the subject, one of my nephews asked me what would happen if China invaded the US (my guess his 24-7 Fox News watching grandma was talking to him).

    Me: "A blood bath"

    B: "Don't they have like a billion people they could send over?"

    Me: "Doesn't matter. Too many crazy people live here with a hero complex. It would become a game. Contests with prizes kinds of games. California might fold pretty quickly, you know the liberals and socialists love China, but Texas, Florida, Oklahoma, Missouri, geez. Send 10 billion and they still wouldn't have enough."

    B: "So, we'd be OK?"

    Me: "How many guns does your grandpa have in his basement?"

    B: "Its full of guns. Every corner has a stack of em'"

    Me: "Exactly. Me, your dad, your grandpa, all of us would never, ever let anything happen to you and your brothers and sister."

    B: "What you are saying is your part of the crazy ones?"

    Me: "100%"

    God bless America.
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    @PaperTrail it is not just that. I have a marine friend that left military for political reasons. However, I get the impression he is itching to be in a fight. I suspect a lot of retired military is this way. Looking for a reason to use that new gun they just bought. They may get that reason too. There is Venezuelan gangs in Colorado, Chicago, and now Utah. Shootouts and everything.
  • 1
    I feel insulted that Sid's passion for technology would match mine lol
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    @Demolishun ooooh. they're a competition for the government that is no longer putting pressure on criminals and instead enabling them
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