
What's the deal with this carry on?

At face value this looks like intimidation, underneath, it may just be a local joker I don't know about.

Regardless, let me explain something, I don't know any and I don't know anyone who likes them. I have no problem whatsoever saying this to anyone, face to face!

My dad and my late brother are named after my grandads brother who saved my grandfathers life and died fighting fascists in the north Atlantic while keeping it open for the war effort during WWII.

I'll let this fly because I don't know enough being new here and all, but I had to clear the air. Okay??

  • 3
    It's probably some antigerman extremist. Don't mind him, he's fucking crazy
  • 4
    @antigermanist Is this coming from this site itself?

    You've got your information so wrong, its criminal.
  • 3
    @antigermanist Anyway, you shouldn't infer things like that upon someone.
  • 10
    @bazmd it's the latest nutjob without a life.
  • 5
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    @atheist right? Germans are lovely civilized people, they do not deserve to read mean things :'(
  • 7
    It's probably ostream thinking this is an appropriate way to cope with the hate in his heart.

    This is what happens when people are terminally online and can't distinguish reality from a forum anymore, give it time :) time heals everything
  • 6
    @bazmd that's just ostream being the awful, shitty, garbage piece of cow dung he is. don't mind him. just insult him.
  • 4
    @bazmd maybe he's just the first Belgian you've ever met online. He's alright. Culture differences
  • 4
    That's the opposite of a problem. Give that to me, I need just a handful more ++ for a cute crow to perch on my shoulders
  • 4
    @IHateForALiving you should rant more, that's how you get most ++. The face tattoo is my target
  • 2
    @retoor Belgium is a rainy shithole, and the man is from Wallonia, which is such a shithole that the other part of the country wants it out. They have good reasons to have such an angry culture.
  • 2
    @Tounai the good part of Belgium should join the Netherlands. We have some culture for them. Netherlands is a rainy beautiful hole
  • 3
    @retoor I don’t care as long as Wallonia doesn’t join France 😂
  • 1
    @retoor I never rant unless I have a Puff pic to upload for you
  • 2
    @IHateForALiving pictures of work setup / desk are always welcome too. I have a rant somewhere with posts of my own
  • 3
    Just some assholestream
  • 1
    @IHateForALiving yeah, strip your hardware for us, baby. we pay in upvotes
  • 3
    @retoor You're orange all the sudden :O
  • 2
    @12bitfloat my skin tone didn't match nicely with the previous one. But I see it kinda sucks with this one too. Will choose different color. I also have a squirrel on my shoulder now. Avatar is still checking out since I had two degoes once. Close enough.

    Edit: it shows fine on phone but the colors on my laptop are so fucked up that you nearly don't see difference :P It's the only downside of this great 10 years old laptop
  • 2
    @retoor Oh my, welcome to the club
  • 1
    @12bitfloat wut? :P You program graphics. Would expect some decent screen. I can count pixels on this x270. But it's a nice matte screen
  • 2
    @retoor Rome wasn't built in a day. You want good graphics, you will have to wait :D
  • 3
    @12bitfloat I almost make exclusively terminal applications. Even my web applications look terminal built with <pre>
  • 1
    @retoor Man, that's just aesthetic as shit though, I love it
  • 5
    @retoor Enter the era of colourful terminals.
  • 3
    @Tounai I'm way ahead of ya. What's next? Emoticons?
  • 2
    @retoor dwarf fortress pls
  • 2
    @jestdotty that's way beyond my graphic skills
  • 2
    @retoor I bow down to the command line chads *bows*
  • 1
    @retoor won’t be happy until you reach LazyVim level.
  • 0
    @Tounai I wanted to say "Joke is on you, i have it here". Retoor editor exists and is a vim clone. It supports several of the same shortcuts. But i just compiled it and wanted to attach a screenshot but it gives only black screen currently. I'm working often on it. Shortcuts and editor features are programmable using the wren scripting language. I choose wren as kinda joke, it's an abandoned (but having BEAUTIFUL source code) programming language. It's written in C as my program and the bindings are superb. Also written a vimtutor application that learns you 60 vim shortcuts in no time. But that one isn't graphical at all. It asks you a question and you have to push the right keys.

    Edit: didn't know lazyvim yet. Will throw a look on it. Thanks
  • 1
    @retoor how do you have so many projects and remain sane. do you keep working on old ones by going back to them and building upon your old work?
  • 1
    @jestdotty yes, I rotate almost daily. I have my regex project finished. Besides that I have a terminal multiplexer that needs some fine tuning (It works really great, ctrl+w to switch windows, ctl+n to create a new terminal, ctrl+x to close a terminal. Keys that are usable while using vim). I have retooreditor in development and my new programming language. That programming language is a heavy project and kinda the main one. I want to develop every day, but not the same thing, but also not every time a new thing. This randomizing works great for me. Also, I have rlib, a library to build super rapid C (terminal) applications and networking etc.Use it alot

    Before my tactic was just not to start private projects that would take longer than a few days but now I have projects of months. Very happy about that. Now big stuff get's created, but development in C is not that super fast huh. I recently made my sudoku widget in js and wrote complete component in around a day. That difference..
  • 2
    @retoor can’t wait for Retoor Editor to be out then 👑

    LazyVim is cool and would be even more if they were removing the fucking VSCode JS LSP
  • 0
    @Tounai does it come with the LSP? That's nice actually. The one for C is a bit complex to install. You have YouCompleteMe that has to be compiled yourself or coc that depends on clangd.

    Ironically the wren language that i chose for plugin system of my app is slow in string manipulation. Many factors from Python. You don't notice it btw, not THAT slow but it's just ironic. String manipulation is all it has to do.

    What's wrong with the vscode js lsp? I think it's probably one of the most advanced
  • 1
    @retoor that sounds fun to have so many options

    do you forget what you did when you go back to projects? or do you mitigate that by having some kind of consistent architectural pattern or coding style? what if you have to refactor big parts of the code? what if you have other libraries that depend on the thing you worked that day and you had changed it, would you go have to test other software if it still works when you make refactoring changes? what if you learn something new and just totally change your whole strategy / approach in a project?
  • 1
    @jestdotty I do not forget about projects since I rotate almost daily. It's all relatively fresh in mind. No architectural pattern or coding style. But I make sure that a feature is done before quitting coding on it. That retooreditor now gives a black screen surprises me very. It's on the list for tomorrow to make it by minimal working again. I have a lot of time to refactor if needed. My applications don't take so much refactoring. I invest many time on the application direct from start to make it alright. I don't do lazy shortcuts - they bite you in the ass, especially in C. Opposite of python regarding that. Those apps are one big big shortcut. For depending libraries on each other - i put them one by one in rlib with tests and have made a merge function to compile all (local) dependencies in one file. If the original project is working and I have learned smth new / change strategy I would just rewrite it and keep the old one alive. Finishing a project is prio one. Nice interview
  • 0
    @jestdotty you seem to be almost as much awake as I am. Sick
  • 2
    @retoor ok, takeaways then is

    finish features before switching (I generally switch if I'm annoyed mid making something so then go take a break -- that does cause me some stress actually). this makes you very organized compared to me. I like it

    rewrite if big changes. excellent. I feel more confident in that impulse then

    also regular rotations of projects to remember them. that could be nice. you could get in a particular flow state with that I sense, so that's not a bad idea. plus I think I learn better if I'm exposed to more varied information so that could be a serious speedboost. I like it


    @retoor awake: hmmm my brain got better last few days. also I took some "stimulants" earlier but they should be wearing off now. purely it's just my brain recovering far better -- it's kind of exciting eeee. also I'm sort of mimicking you for funsies =]
  • 1
    @jestdotty I do stimulants too :P A lot
  • 1
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  • 2
    @retoor I never opened anything C in LazyVim so I couldn’t know but it’s possible that it works out of the box. It auto installs LSPs so it should be possible for C as well.

    VSCode JS LSP is very advanced, yes, but tends to crash a lot.
  • 1

    "The German occupation of Belgium during World War II began on 28 May 1940, when the Belgian army surrendered to German forces, and lasted until Belgium's liberation by the WESTERN ALLIES between September 1944 and February 1945."

    You're Welcome!
  • 1
    @bazmd yea I know my grand grand daddy hid royal airforce servicemen.

    Its raining men. Alleluyah it's rainin maaan. OOOooh
  • 1
    @antigermanist Seems like if you didn't surrender you wouldn't have needed our bravest men.
  • 1
    @bazmd yeah dont push it your brave men also raped and looted and used blacks and indians as cannonfodder, after what they hired the nazis to fight communism
  • 1
    @antigermanist Your country were allies with Nazi Germany, that doesn't excuse war crimes. Though, You're just making irrational excuses now. Chill the fuck out, the war is over okay!
  • 1
    @antigermanist Germany is a nice liberal country now, visited friends in Schorndorf and camped out in a plum orchard while I was there, nice place and very nice people. I also have family in Belgium.

    You should probably cool it with all the "anti" stuff while you still have a friend or two, it's not healthy.

    Just saying...
  • 1
    @bazmd yeah but my grandma recently told me how the GIs looted and burned her city so
  • 1
    @bazmd bro you're new here. I've done worst.
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