
Why is American culture so money-centric?
Instead of “he's not believing me” they say “he's not buying it”. Also, “put your money where your mouth is” and “don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash.”

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    Well you see the king of the brits wanted to do capitalism (usury), and that was forbidden so he broke off from the pope and with the money he borrowed from the jews that he later killed, he started to build a bunch of gun factory. So the french and dutchies and germs started to do the same.

    Now these greedy fucks are ruling the fucking world.
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    I mean we're talking about invisible hand believers. They are not that bright.
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    It's because of the fully-synthetic bacon.
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    @donkulator our bacon of hope
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    @antigermanist when something economic happens you always say that the invisible hand will correct it :p
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    I will take the "preoccupied with money" over the "preoccupied with buggering" I see in UK comedies. Maybe UK comedies don't represent UK culture?

    Speaking of money. How you enjoying the billions we have sent to Ukraine to stop the great evil Putin? You know the great evil that will take out NATO nations when Ukraine is done.
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    @Demolishun you did it because it was economically beneficial to you. Otherwise you wouldn’t have cared at all
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    @kiki I sure hope so. I don't see any other benefit coming from it. I honestly think we should be getting some land out of this deal.
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    @retoor you’re orange now!
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    because they can't afford anything
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    @Demolishun oh it's not gonna be economically beneficial to the peons

    it's because they wanted to mine all the lithium from under Ukraine. some graham politician said there was 12 trillion worth of lithium and/or minerals under Ukraine. they're also gonna be converted to smart cities. blackrock was buying up stuff after it got totaled by "the war"

    cause strife, buy up all the land when people are fleeing. or alternatively flood them with a hurricane (not hard to change the directions and all that). something something quartz mines in Appalachia, the purest in the world. necessary for chips. sure interesting eminent domain applies now, since previous roads washed out and the landscape changed so much it can't be anything but public land now!

    my bf thinks Americans actually can own land. I think if you have to pay taxes or the government takes it that's not you owning jack shit
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    @jestdotty yeah, the people doing this are kinda shitty. I wish we had not sent any money there. I think the politicians are getting kickbacks and lining their friends pockets (banks, military contractors, etc). Ukraine is a cesspool of deep state crime. Nato cannot legally have shit in their countries near Russias border. So they keep Ukraine out of Nato so they can put all the treaty breaking stuff in Ukraine. Then Ukraine was bombing their own citizens because they were too Russian or some shit (before Putin did anything).

    All the politicians say we need "green new deal" yet all their scumbag kids were execs in Ukrainian petroleum companies. Nothing screams crime like shit like that.

    Then that short fuck Zelenskyy needed more money. Starts threatening US citizens with a draft on our own soil. The stupid scumbags in Washington DC celebrated this shit.
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    @Lensflare that was sooo 5 minutes ago. I'm finding the right color for my skin tone
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    @jestdotty I can't remember the exact words. It was something like we need money or we will need your sons or some shit. I read it as a threat. The dude has been lining his pockets since this started.
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    @retoor I hope this helps
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    @Demolishun they are very funny with that putin shit.

    Clinton is the one who gave power to Yeltsin. Fuck around find out as you guys like to say.

    They were ready to keep the eastern european union without the bolchevism and to implement social democratic policies. The yanks sponsored fascists instead like they do every fucking time. The eastern block had nothing to eat for 10 years.

    Now they whine about fascists and election intervention lmao they are pathetics.
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    @Demolishun Honetly, I dont wish for people to suffer. But if there is a civil war in the US, well, have a taste of your own medicine bitches.
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    In poorer countries, the slang is a lot more depressing
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    @jestdotty I’m confused are you saying it should be money over everything? Because with Ukraine it’s not about the money, ostensibly it’s about a nation’s right to self-determination and that if first-aggressors are always punished, then invasion, starting wars, and conquest becomes much less attractive.

    Now we all know the reality is more complex, backdoor deals etc, but the west isn’t buying Ukraine in this way.
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