
I made test library a bit happier. Rainbows, fires and happy faces. Before the happy faces i had traditional dots. This is more cancer. I like it. My applications looks much more modern now.

The emoticon list is made by gpt but i've added a simple search function that finds an emoticon if you put a part of the description. It doesn't have to be exact. printf("%s",remo_get("books")) for example.

I need a life

  • 7
    Does it use 💩 if the tests don't pass?
  • 4
    @donkulator I propose ☠️ because it’s more visible on black bg.
    Success should be 👌 btw.
  • 4
    @donkulator a red cross for memory failure, a skull for a failed test because it's killing. The test suite is becoming quite large and I have to say, these emoticons give actually a better overview that the traditional dots I had. It's easier to see what's going on. Also a smiley per assert is just clear. I made it functional
  • 7
    Idea for a new project:
    An http server which uses emojis instead of status codes. Skin tones and gender of the emojis should be picked randomly to appeal to the wokes.
  • 4
    @Lensflare it makes me think about the good old days when the emuticons just were yellow. THAT was inclusive! The people who thought that the emoticons needed skin colors are plain closet racists
  • 4
    @Lensflare Than someone could have a lot of fun analysing the bias towards certain colours for certain error codes.
  • 4
    It's lacking the 🚀 emoji for extra cringe
  • 1
    @Lensflare You could just go full racist with something like too.
  • 2
    in screeps I would use emojis to debug actions my code did

    not a novel concept in that game I suppose

    very efficient though. and fun. it's like you're finger painting with emojis!
  • 1
    @jestdotty I miss that game! I was using it with a Kotlin to JS compiler.
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