
Got my dad to try Fruity Loops so that he can compose with his Tyros 3 keyboard on the computer. If he likes it, I will buy producer edition (that one can also record, that's why) for his bday soon. For Christmas I already ordered midi to USB cable for him. Finally I know what to give to someone who already has everything. He needs stuff for his stuff :p

It will be much fun experimenting together with it. My dad can go very hard on new things, he always becomes a pro in it.

I hope it will be just as nice as the time we spent together on Autocad. He later even made Autocad exams for schools.

He learned me how to install windows 3.11 as very little kiddo.

I like my dad doing computer stuff. It's the moment we really bond.

  • 5
    My daddii was also programmer. He programmed a job interest test in gw basic containing 500 questions to decide what job is best for student. Back in that time, you had less different jobs. Normally all these 500 questions per student had to be checked by a teacher, you can imagine how much work and error prone it was and how awesome this software was back then.

    He's cool, now retired.
  • 1
    Aw that's sweet
  • 1
    For a sec there, I thought you've presented your parent class with a bowl of cereal.

    Very endearing, though. Approved. Also, stuff for stuff is now officially my goto for gifts.
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