
As a person who spends 99.99% of his time at home if not at school programming, reading, and watching netflix, what can I do to develop my social skills?

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    @J-2FA haha, I will, just waiting to finsh my midterms
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    @irene Thanks for the optimisim
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    @JonnyCodewalker I don't really play mobile games, and when I play PC and PS games all the people I meet are half a world away
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    Go to scheduled activities, or become a part of a club (tabletop gaming, board games, book club). Social skills need to be practiced, just like other skills 😊
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    @disolved @JonnyCodewalker @theNSA I wsih I could do all those things, yet in my city there aren't that many tech or book clubs, and I can rarely find a place to meet like-minded people and I am too young to go to a pub, unfortunately
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    @JonnyCodewalker I'll try to do these things and hope they'll work
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    @HRT-713 unless your town is tiiiny, I bet there is some clubs out there that are just not so easy to find. If there is a library or a game store you should ask the staff there if they know about something. Seriosuly, ask the library staff about game clubs as well, not just book clubs.
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    @disolved I'll be sure to do that, the reason I want to develop my social skills is for university and I hope I can before then
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    @HRT-713 good luck man, you're doing yourself a favor!
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    Make a "FREE HUGS" sign hang it around your neck and walk through the city, people will start talking to you.
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    Join a martial arts club. I know for a fact that most brazilian jiu jistu guys are nerds.
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    Stay in. It’s dangerous out there. Hehe... Don’t listen to me. Look at my handle.
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    If you spend 99.99% of time at home then you don’t need social skills.
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    Hit the gym or join some kind of social physical activity.
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    Get married...
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    Join Dev meetups. Do peer programming. Join those community classes that teaches basic comp skills to elders/young kids.
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    sit with randoms
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    @Codex404 Or, in my country, that'll get me killed. We aren't really big on emotion
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    @SSDD True dat
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    Find local meet ups, speed dating, and clubs. Even in speed dating, if you don’t find a lover, you can still make friends! And just getting involved in hackathons and events on campus and in your town. If you just browse the common event and meet up sites, you’ll be surprised at what you can find!
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    @wbhob nice, that would be nice to do
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    @irene Yup, I get that, but my social anxiety doesn't let me
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    society sucks, stay at where you are
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    Play a sport?
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    Join a meetup group
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    Play WoW - make some research before - like if there is any local guild with social background. For example i met many awesome and some not that awesome people during my WoW days. We had weekly meetings in local bar where we drank some beer , socialized and ranted about school/work/gaming :) I met my current girlfriend from LoL but still WoW has nice community :)
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    @d4ng3r0u5 I've tried 5 sports I'm shit at all of them
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    As other people said go to a scheduled activity like a course, a language exchange a meetup. As long as you practice and you practice with a wide array of people you'll be fine. I know for my experirnce that the social jungle of a high school can be brutal, specially to someone with social anciety.
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    Someone once told me; "find yourself a social female friend, she''ll change you".
    I've not tried that though. Girls here don't like to be friends with people like me(programmers).
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    @leksyib thats not true, my best friend is a girl and she has become like a sister to me.
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    I typed "girls here".
    Pretty sure Nigerian girls don't think the same way girls in your country do.

    They only want to be friends with guys with lavish lifestyles

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    @Codex404 @leksyib In my country it is the same situation like that of leksyib unfortunately for us, you are lucky to be living in an open minded first world country
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    @leksyib ah missed the word here, nevermind then
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    @leksyib I have plenty of female friends, some of them programmers and they haven't changed a thing from me.

    Only my gf, and that's after living 3 years with her
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    @awelxtr he said «social» female friends, not «programmer» female friends 😉
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