
In case you ever want to hack into a computer with 14 lines of code only. This algorithm is just genius.

  • 12
    Damn, if only everything was able to be back by a simple GOTO :-O
  • 13
    Bob ;-;
  • 25
    is he bruteforcing a PIN in BASIC? 🤓
  • 23
    @HIGHphen exactly, with four for loops :-) and with two functions that dont even exist
  • 5
  • 1
    @Maxeh nested for loops at that!! ugh!! 😂
  • 6
    @Maxeh maybe the functions exist but only in the upside down 😲
  • 2
    What kind of fucked up BASIC is this?
  • 2
    This gave me cancer.
  • 2
    @Maxeh Technically the show doesn't even exist. Give them a little credit for trying
  • 10
    saw this gem the other day.
  • 1
    Heh, the basic line numbers, leaving space for updates and edits later on.
  • 5
    The end of the line is coming off the screen!
  • 1
    @riekena thats what the scroll bars are for..........................
  • 6
    That O(n^4) is hurting my eyes
  • 4
    Spaces not tabs!!!!
  • 1
    @crow22498 Can he do better? With brute force? There are exactly N^4 entries, brute force try them all ;)
  • 1
    Or according to several rants I saw,just use terminal with black background and green text and now you are considered as a hacker.
    And don't forget the black hoodie
  • 1
    Why does the most right "the" go off the screen? :D
  • 1
    His BASIC basics suck!
  • 2
    As much as this scene made me cringe, they did seem to put in more effort to get it right then most shows.
  • 1
    @XiovV it probably looked like this

    from itertools import product
    password = None
    for p in product('0123456789', repeat=4):
    if check_password(p):
    password = p
  • 1
    @HIGHphen Y E S
  • 1
    I hate shit like this in movies and TV. This made me cringe so hard. Like...do some fucking research or something.

    Granted...I GUESS this is a valid brute force attack.
  • 0
    A fucking gem, I'll make sure to use that lmao
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