
Fucking EA Games and their fucking shit mailing system!!
All the sudden they start spamming me emails about their shit games nobody fucking cares about. I proceed to inspect the footer to find an 'unsubscribe' link and there was none, just a 'manage my preferences' link.
So I went there. After waiting a whole minute for a simple page to load (wtf) there is a checkbox saying 'yes please spam my inbox with EA's latest news about their shit games nobody cares about' and it was UNCHECKED.
So I leave it unchecked and click update (thinking it might actually unsubscribe me from this crap) BUT NO! I receive another email saying 'thank you, you stupid moron you just subscribed to our shit and will now receive even more of our useless email about how different the new NFS is and how rubbish the new Star wars game is...

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    rip 😪
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    I know the struggle, just set up a email filter to send all game related crap to a separate folder and once a month go inside select all -> trash, that's what I do since about 50 different game studios send me weekly "updates" about their shite
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    That sucks, I got 2 emails from them this week and can't even unsubscribe because I'm already unsubscribed.
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    Update: so in all frustration I actually found a tiny little link in the footer for unsubscribing and I bashed it like there's no tomorrow. Me to me: yaay I unsubscribed!
    Or so I thought... Guess what. They sent me another fucking email
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