
What do you guys think on day to day basis?

What's usually on your mind?

My mind: sex, girls, career, money, food, work, sex, women

  • 10
    "what do I have to do next?"
    "why are they screaming this time...."
    "did I forget anything?"
    "how much time do I have left for/until this?"
    "I wonder if I'll have time and energy today to start dabbling with nix"

    that's 90% of my thoughts.
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    my inability to die young, gloriously
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    Guilt, anxiety, PTSD flashbacks. Literally nothing more. I mean it.
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    Unresting Death, a whole day nearer now.
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    What's next, laundry? Damn the Psycholonials soundtrack is a vibe. Am I being weird? Lol what a question, I'm always being weird. Did anyone see that? Eh, they probably didn't. Eventually I'll have to do that DB cleaning task, we should send it this week. When did I vacuum last? Well it's 11pm, shouldn't wake up the neighbors. Did I file my taxes? Oh yeah, I've not had contract work in years. Wasn't it Matthew's birthday this week? I should respond to the D&D scheduling convo. Why did I stand up? Oh yeah, laundry.
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    Keep developing these projects.
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    Mostly weed, programming, climbing, eat,
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    Amphetamine, coding, self maintenance and that's it. No issues, worries or whatsoever. I can't handle the news, not even advertisements because they actually affect my mood seriously. So i don't read that and pay for youtube premium. It's a small price for a happy life.
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    @kiki where does the guilt comes from?
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    Lol nearly same as you, plus gaming.
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    drugs I have to take that I'm late taking, what do I wanna do now, don't fall asleep again Jesus fuck why can't you do a 24h sleep schedule, this feels good RN to be doing, planning food for absolutely no reason (new obsession), really fucking random epiphanies, connections between information i've learned over the past 3 years when my brain wasn't working or capable of making interdisciplinary connections, being mad at people for being annoying, at things for being designed bad

    I like the feel of this podcast, cozy
    I'm now annoyed at this code
    I should pamper myself with 12 items here. maybe best if I do them one at a time?
    ooo the weather is nice. floating powder being swished by the wind is niiice

    I should take drugs. I should order more drugs. there's thIs TV show I've been watching and it's so vibe. I should get stoned and binge watch it today. my boyfriend keeps distracting me cuz I love fighting, and now he's being sweet. fuck so distractable

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    @retoor it’s just inertia at this point
    I’m so used to feeling guilty that it became the norm, and I’m now just feeling guilty 24/7
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    @kiki find feeling that's the opposite of what you're feeling when you're feeling guilt and press that button

    there was a weird fucking video I found once. it was some esoteric thing. but one section was on polarity and I tried it and it works. I didn't even wanna try it because it sounds like abdicating responsibility and I'm too macho for that, but I'll try stuff even when things seem dumb. anyway it works. I didn't use it much though because I ended up improving due to other reasons probably, but sometimes I remember it and use it again and it's always enlightening

    (also this video is annoying because it does too many sales pitches and psychological sales tricks but whatever)
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    @kiki sounds hard, hope you'll get rid of it.
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    @kiki ooorrrr... knock on your neighbour's door at 3am and ask if they saw your monkey (and then "remember" aloud that you put it in a dishwasher and go home), so you would at least know what you're feeling guilty for.
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    “I’m so fucking tired.”
    “I feel like shit. I always feel like shit, but today’s a bit worse.”
    “Dear gods, what do I have to do now?”
    “I just want to rest.”
    “I wonder what projects I could work on?”
    “…right, I won’t be able to because I’ll be too tired”
    “Fucking fucking fucking fuck-fuck”

    This is a lot of my internal monologue.
    Goddamn endless fatigue.
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    “I just want to feel normal again” :(
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    @Root I thought you would be on a pink cloud with new kiddo.
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    @retoor More or less yes :) Oxytocin is nice.
    But I thought this was more general.

    And I am still tired all the time; definitely moreso now.
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    @Root just found out what it is. Nice.
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    @retoor there's meditation music videos on YouTube that should release oxytocin... and the comments are all pregnant women trying to induce labour. it's so fucking weird
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    @jestdotty top comment on those videos is from @Root :p
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    @retoor let's make you a mommi
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    Keep developing these projects.
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    @kanyewest @feuerherz is my kiddo already.
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    The point of life. How everyone is just living their life not thinking that we all gonna die someday and there is nothing we could do about it.
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    I think about that as well. Decades of learning in this fragile brain, and any moment it can be broken.

    We need to backup and sync our brains.
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    @kanyewest you can try to have children but maintenance costs are very high
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    @RageExpress children is a different instance of our brain right?
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