Live coding interviews basically make no sense.
It's even worse when you can't use an IDE.
Like, bro, what the fuck? You want me to write code in fucking notepad?
Alright then, I can play that game. It's so easy to memorize the algos and pass the test, yet that's not indicative of a good engineer.
I wonder if the roles were reversed, how good the interviewer would perform.

  • 4
    Companies who still do this are dinosaurs. Red flag, IMO.
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    Be happy that you don't get a cognitive test. Took me two hours doing insane puzzles. Big pass tho.
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    @retoor I had an IQ test once. I'm 140, meaning I'm smarter than 99.6% of the population.

    Which explain why everybody's so dumb.
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    also sorry but yes, I ask you to code in fucking vim, emacs or notepad++ / nano.

    What do you think it is, microsoft? IDEs are for lazy bitches who write shit codes.
  • 2
    @antigermanist yeah and chainsaws are for lazy wood cutters
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    @antigermanist thanks for telling me about your IQ. Now I can safely say that IQ a complete joke for measuring people‘s intelligence :)
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    @Lensflare It is the closest accepted way to determine someone's intelligence why not being that correct. But it's a fact - people with higher IQ are better in learning mostly. That's whyfor it designed. It was teacher that noticed that people who are good in math and language were a bit smarter. Veratsium has a good video about it.

    Btw, it's not a compliment if you get such tests. It's more how they test is you're retarted on not. Not to find out how smart you are. I applied somewhere with incorrect papers (partied hard when young.) and therefor I got such test. Also, you get such test by psychologist. "You don't have a mental issue, you are just stupid. We can't help you. It's not our fault therapy doesn't work." :P

    So @ostream why is your IQ tested? Who wanted to know if you're stupid? :P
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    @antigermanist since the covid period I don't give a fuck anymore how smart someone thinks to be. I saw you idiots ALL panicking, I didn't for a second. But yes, since that period I think most people are stupid. Bad with statistics, under impression of "big" numbers (what was small as fuck).
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    On topic: i can write in notepad just everything, I have everything in my head. I also don't c/p from internet, if i see something that I need, most times i type it over for training.
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    @Lensflare exactly if I'm 140 then what are the rest of you people ahah

    Nah but fr I studied those tests so i had training. And yeah they are bullshit.
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    @retoor i panicked for my mama she's a nurse and she got really really sick for a month.
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    IMO, better than the take home which "should only take a couple of hours", and is realistically 3 days unpaid work...
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    @jestdotty > the take-away is even if your fellow humans studied for that test they actually couldn't score that high

    They could

    IQ tests have terrible reliability. You can be scored 110 on a bad day and 130 the next
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    @jestdotty but I understand your suffering though. People needs to be stimulated. Did you know boredom produced the same signal in the brain as physical brain.

    But you're fine now jestie forget the past ok? <3 enjoy your day sweetie
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    The one and only purpose of an interview should be to find out if we (me and the company) can get along. Al the rest is HR bs.
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    @bedawang that's why my job interview involves crack and hookers.

    Not many survive
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