
I often think of how words are made, how they relate to other words, sometimes I discover interesting relations and etymologies.

Like the word ASSISTANCE. ASS-IS-T[A|E]N[S|C]E. And sure enough we need it most when we are frustrated and our asses are tense.

Coincidence? Idk. But I'll never see this word the same again.
Neither will you.

Ur welcome

  • 0
    I see it as ASS-ISTANCE. now you're never going to be able to look at this word the same ever again.

    You're welcome.
  • 2
    money means mono-eye. one eye

    not creepy at all
  • 2
    @jestdotty how else yould you get any if not by selling your organs :)
  • 1
    Which butt-on do I need to act-evade if my ass-is-tense?
  • 2
    Is my ass tense and in need of assistance or an instance of ass?
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