
It's fucking incredible how boring work can be.

There is literally nothing exciting or new or challenging whatsoever.

I swear if we don't get any interesting projects soon I'm bailing after I finish my training, no matter what they offer me.

I can't work like this. It's only tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets, tickets...

  • 2
    sounds like paradise to me
  • 5
    Raise it with your colleagues and if it's safe to, raise it in your next respective. Your colleagues are probably bored too it's important to find fun in your work at least some of it as how else can the business expect you to be creative and therefore working at your best particularly in career space that requires creativity? FYI am drunk 😜
  • 3
    @MammaNeedHummus OT: what are you having?
  • 3
    @fruitfcker port, then apple rum, and then gin 🍹🥳
  • 2
    Sorry to hear though munchkin/OP
  • 3
    @MammaNeedHummus good, so proud on you. I'm doing gluhwein. I have a alcohol free variant as well since what happened a few days ago. A few days ago, it was early but was like, i could do a gluhwein, why not. And another one, and another one... And slept the whole day until I had an appointment :P FUCK :P
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    @MammaNeedHummus I'm jealous. Can't drink anymore. 😭
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    isn't work supposed to not be interesting??

    I mean it's called WORK, if it was fun, it wouldn't be called WORk
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    @SidTheITGuy not all hope is lost for bringing some fun to boring work. Even the word hopeless has the word hope in it. Plus, if you rearrange the letters, it spells peeslosh
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    @MammaNeedHummus liver needs to be taken care of. Plus heart. Also pre-diabetic. I'm cooked.
  • 1
    I knew it was you
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    There, there, seems you need some Vim in your life
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    it my first comment , hope you like
  • 0
    Dude time to start that side project again!

    They are for fun, work is for money!
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