  • 4
    That’s where the term smoke test originated
  • 16
    Meh, nest those loops.
  • 5
    I killed my PC when I tried selection sort on a 10e10 long array... I understimated 10's powers.

    Short story: the whole machine freezed.

    EDIT: oh and it was the best case! I forgot to shuffle the array (made with the python function range() )
  • 3
    More like "R.I.P me" seeing that indentation.
  • 2
    Use a recursive function with a loop inside and each iteration, call the function.
  • 4
    Now try it concurrently.
  • 3
    I gouge my eyes out whenever i see terribly optimized java. Mostly because the next rant of the person is "java is so slow".
  • 2
    @dmonkey @sharktits I just started learning Java and I love it... I just posted this as some kind of a joke
  • 4

    My statement still stands tho.
  • 4
    Amateurs. fuckin amateurs. When you cause millions of devices to bootloop b/c of your code, then you can talk.
  • 1
    @magicMirror this post is just for fun... I just started to learn Java and I absolutely love it so I didn't want to hate java or anything
  • 3
    @Koppaster no worries. take a look at my rants...
    also, burn test.
  • 1
    If it's in a background thread, it's not gonna kill anything
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