
Postman is shit, alternatives?

Recently discovered that Postman is now dead shit and its devs are fuckers that now made their shit a payware.


The solution is to use latest normal version https://github.com/postmanlabs/...

Or get an alternative. Are there any good ones?

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    There is https://insomnia.rest/ but also a lot of editors support doing requests for you now as well (Look at .http files)

    However for work we just use the OpenAPI/Swagger doc page
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    Many apps have swagger these days where you directly can test live like this: https://retoor.molodetz.nl/api/... (HUGE api btw).

    I don't use such tools, I just test using aiohttp or requests library using python.

    My friends use some builtin vscode thingy or something. Several said about to making one themselves but none did. But all because of the failure of Postman these days. It once was a perfect tool. But yeah, if you invest a huge amount of money in a app where it's literally impossible to invest that much in.. Same for chromadb soon I guess. 10mln. How would you ever stuff 10mln in a python written sqlite wrapper. Bullshit incoming.
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    Oh the fucknig morons have turned down their shit CDN do download working versions also, any links where you can still get the working version?
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    @BordedDev f, you are a few seconds before me again!
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    but insomnia is another payware shit, isn't it?
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    swagger is nice, but you can not e.g. share collections between your teams with it.
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    @Argos I don't know if there is a paid for version, I just click the "use local version" at start up since it does nag for an account - but like I mentioned, I don't really use these tools anymore

    (You can put those .http files directly in the repo)
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    und we SHAllen die dadden fuk verrater datten ganken die deutschmarks !
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    thanks, will look into it
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    Found some working links for v9 which fuckers didn't remove yet

    Windows: https://dl.pstmn.io/download/...

    macOS (Intel): https://dl.pstmn.io/download/...

    macOS (Apple Silicon): https://dl.pstmn.io/download/...

    Linux: https://dl.pstmn.io/download/...

    Also did this (MacOS) to prevent their shit from updating itself

    `sudo chflags uchg /Applications/Postman.app`

    Sure there should be smth similar for Win/Linux
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    @BordedDev molodetz.nl is the new example.com but to cool to be part of the Internet assigned numbers authority. It was a good idea to call the site molodetz so i don't have to change the domain name when the Russians will take us over. I already adjusted :)
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    Someone mentioned and recommended Bruno here on devrant. And today I saw a colleague using Bruno.
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    yeah I just use curl

    was trying to figure out why this doesn't bug me for a moment there lol

    curl is just so easy

    and then I can just paste test requests in my notes and such

    also when you're inspecting a website you can just copy requests in the network tab as curl commands and just rerun them... which is I guess how I started on the curl drug
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    @Lensflare Bruno's great.
    We use it at work for a huge graphql api.

    It does "more" tho as you can include a lot of automation, logs, additional documentation and asserts to your queries. Good tool
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    install post man 9. last usable version.

    just make sure you disable all auto-update-related features.
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    curl is a small tool to download smth, or do quick checks, it obviously can not replace postman
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    @Argos idk what postman does that curl doesn't

    I remember getting postman years ago... and I actually had switched to just writing requests in node js

    and I haven't used postman since cuz curl is too easy to run
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    It is not question about what it does vs doesn't. It is about how much time does that take.

    Postman has collections, easy way to edit headers/cookies/body, variables.

    Your colleague just gives you a collection of e.g. 500+ endpoints to thoroughly test the API you are working on, you go to collection variables, replace the API key variable with your personal key, and you are good to go.

    I can not even imagine how many days will you spend to do the same with pure curl. It is light a lightweight tool for primitive tasks, not a full-scale instrument. The same as coding in notepad++ vs IDE
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    @Argos Exactly. I considered saying the same but I don‘t want deal with cli elitists who will try to gaslight you saying that GUI is always inferior.
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    @Argos oh I have notes in .MD files and I have an obsidian plugin that lets me run code snippets... and I can collapse headers in markdown and whatever else

    I guess I don't have an API key variable but are these... unit tests? shouldn't you just write them as unit tests besides the code that serves the endpoints, in the same repo?

    I just use http requests when I'm exploring or building something new. if it's an established library these should be unit tests... that CI/CD would preferably run before you deploy new versions
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    @Lensflare I use a GUI. you can use command line commands from GUIs. I have my notes in Obsidian, which is a GUI

    but I also don't have to use a GUI and can just build the initial command in the command line to make sure I got it right

    it's not due to command line superiority at any rate. it's just literally easier to use

    sounds like you guys are making unit tests with this though... I just use it as a scratchpad to figure out how I need to build calls. and then I document it in case I need the info again, like documenting an API so if I work with that API again I can code up for it faster
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    If your endpoints are protected with authentication, you can not just hit them, you will have to provide Cookie/ Bearer token / API token, or whatever auth requires, those things have timed life, with variables you don't have to edit each endpoint, as you can get temporarily keys, save them as variables and use in every endpoint automatically.

    Some endpoints require Body. It could be a several hundred lines JSON. Postman has separate tab for the body, while with curl, you will have it inline, cluttering the workspace.

    It is impossible to use GUI tools for unit tests, we are talking about manual testing endpoints during development.
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    I use rest.http
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