
Ticket from legal department: implement GDPR recommendation, log customer consent, separate checkboxes to opt-in to T&C and newsletter

Ticket from marketing department: small print T&C on sign-up, remove "conversion killer" checkbox

This is why we need a product owner

  • 8
    Sounds like they cancel each other. Mark both ticket complete, and lilnk to the other ticket in the resulotion notes.
  • 1
  • 6
    Create a tiket where both team can write, set back and enjoy the hellfire
  • 8
    to: marketing@company.com, legal@comany.com, boss@company.com, hr@company.com
    cc: all
    subject: Meeting regarding product ownership

    hello all
    this stinks! [screenshoots of the two tickets] That's why I decided to become product owner. Let's discuss the benefits of me becoming the new product owner (like my 100% pay rise) over coffee in meeting room a3 tomorrow at 9 am. Looking forward to see you guys. Best Regards BunnyT

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