A world leader...? What a bunch of horseshit... Learn from CNN how to put the wrong guy on the pedestal...

  • 14
    That little motherzucker...
  • 17
    Well to be honest I think he has more power on us than many of the actual world leaders.
  • 18
    Just because you own everyones info doesn't mean youre a leader
  • 11
    Don't get your news from CNN.
    All they are is a giant "opinion" section.
  • 2
    His platform helped Trump. So technically he is even more powerful than world leader. He is like the architect from the Matrix.
  • 2
    *insert RNN > CNN joke here*
  • 3
    If you can become a world leader by stealing someone else's idea, sign me up.

    Fuck the zuck
  • 2
    China banned Facebook. Is it a coincidence I think not.

    *Faint smirk
  • -1
    I’m curious as to where you get your news, miss news expert!!!@Root
  • 3
    @Santaclauze Everywhere. When I hear about an interesting event, I compare all sides and views of it. The ones that make the most sense and correlate best with past events, and have the least contradictions, opinions, and "anonymous sources" tend to be the most true. There's a lot of fake news and unsolicited opinions peddled as truth out there, and what makes it so bloody difficult is other "news" agencies take these false stories as legitimate journalism and run with them. It's a goddamn game of international telephone, and the US is the worst offender.

    What pisses me off so much is that people take the first thing they read to be the truth. They don't bother looking into anything except maybe with the intent to reaffirm their beliefs. They never question if their assumptions (or the story itself) makes any sense in context, and hardly ever even ask "why?"

    I get especially angry when they're journalists because it's their job to do exactly that.
  • 0
    Yeah i agree with that to a certain extent. Not really about anonymous sources though.

    Every information should be put in context amd assessed againsr other views for sure.

    The one thing i know, most pf what i am told ii will never be able to verify.

    However i am still curious as to where you get your information. Everywhere? Like in clouds? Or donyou also read hand lines?@Root
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