Why does the girl in the Google Meet permission dialog have anal beads for hair?

  • 4
    Not the weirdest choice of headdress that I‘ve seen on today's internet.
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    Have you tried pulling them? But now I can't unsee it XD
  • 2
    Hmm, the first part seems to be the hardest, that's not common for anal beads. Usually they go from smaller to big iirc. Never read an anal bead RFC tbh.
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    So that’s what this symbol is… I thought it’s supposed to be a microphone :)
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    Why the head so small? Like the tits are twice as big as the head. Proportions are all wrong.
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    @Demolishun you seeing this style for the first time? It‘s fucking everywhere and I hate it! I think I‘ve ranted about this years ago 😄
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    They're progressive and inclusive
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    One of the world's most unpopular artstyles which lazily tries to be "inclusive" by making body parts ridiculously unhuman - blue skin, giant hands, weird hair.

    This way, when woke ideology is popular (during American democratic presidencies), companies can almost say that their iconography isn't all just white males, to appease cancel culture weirdos.

    The funny thing is it's not popular with ANYONE because the "humans" in this design language don't actually represent ANY group; so minority groups are either not represented at all or like in this case so mutilated that it's almost a caricature and just serves to be more erasure of minority groups.

    This looks to be a caricature of a non-white hairstyle (Sengalese/ passion twists or maybe Marley twists) on a clearly very white woman.

    Isn't it funny that woke ideas usually end up being more racist!
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    @Demolishun The tits are on purpose, and it's actually pretty strange that this woman has human-colored skin. I think they make these figures all sexually androgynous as possible so that it could be *anything* and therefore represents "everything" (or, more accurately in my opinion, nothing.)

    The most popular skin color I've seen in this abortion of an art style is blue, because this art style was invented by Facebook back when they were woke (they have since realized that all the old people that use their site are the majority of the racist/sexist/xeno&homo-phobic population and have started de-woking in America, but not other countries)
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    @AlgoRythm so this art is actually woke people saying the quiet part out loud. They have a distorted view of humanity and their art reflects that.
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    @Demolishun Precisely. A lot of "woke" solutions are just to avoid the problem entirely. Getting rid of white people in media, getting rid of skin color in art, etc.

    They miss the point. Different groups of people should be represented proportionally. Too little (blue people) and too much (actors hired to use their skin color to boost brand image) are both harmful solutions.
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    @AlgoRythm whatever you said

    And at least however when making fun of these photos hair isn't racist !
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    DEI is a gateway drug for orgies, duh
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