Hey guys, I've recently purchased an Asus Laptop (i3 7100U - 2.4GHz, 4gb ddr4 , 1tb HDD, 15.6 FHD,). I've swapped HDD with an SSD ( Kingston 120gb) . Everything seems great, Laptop's performance is good, pycharm runs faster etc. However, when I shutdown the laptop, it takes nearly 3-4 minutes to shutdown. Restarting laptop hardly takes 30 seconds. The only problem is shutting down. I've tried everything, resintalled OS( windows 10 home (GPT partition)) , drivers and os are up to date, updated bios but there is no change. It still takes 3-4 minutes to shutdown. Any ideas?

  • 0
    In windows 10, reboot does the normal shutdown. If you choose shutdown, it will not shutdown properly. If you want to try disabling this, disable fast startup. This will not fix the real problem but at least you can verify that it relates to this feature. I wouldn't want to disable this feature on a new computer.

    (method 3) https://win10faq.com/windows-10-won...
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