Yep, seems tots legit. Not a scam at all. Especially with that sexy email extension! Rrrrrraw! You go TikTok Recruitment Dept!!!!

  • 4
    Why always the huge impossible salaries?
  • 4
    Sounds like a thot job.
  • 6
    @retoor idiot filter.
    People who are dumb enough to think those salaries are real are also dumb enough to fall for a scam like this.
  • 4
    @Lensflare yeah, i thought about that too. But i don't understand the people falling for this. I mean, one thing is for sure, free money doesn't exist. The closest thing to 'easy' money, is becoming a software dev (having the luck to be interested in that). Free money is always too good to be true.
  • 1
    I always think that there must be a feedback loop of bots - those that spam every number, and those annoying "follow request" bots that respond to every message.
    Thus the metrics for both get inflated and the scam teams get the scam budget.
  • 0
    So how do you think they could scam you Here?
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