  • 28
    Reformat code and done. In Intellij ctrl+alt+L
  • 15
    @Letmecode I like it when I put a linter in a project and this kind of code makes the build break and they have to change it themselves 😈
  • 4
    That hurts my brain 😣
  • 3
    He got carried away.
  • 2
    That's a bit excessive. What were they thinking?!
  • 4
    I think the import statements are not exceeding 80chars per line. It be fun to see a linter vomiting over this code :D
  • 0
  • 6
    and this is why I'm not allowed on devRant before I've finished my morning caffeination rituals.
  • 1
    @Rowsdower paddlin' the school canoe...that's a paddlin'
  • 5
    Dev A: Spaces are the best!! My `.editorconfig` is set to 2 spaces.

    Dev B: nuh uhhh tabs are, I mean, its like the key _specifically_ designed for indenting

    Dev A: yeah but then you cant control th--//--*cutoff*

    @rozzzly: I use four spaces; I spent 45s to map my IDE to insert 4 spaces when I press tab. I get the best of both worlds; this is stupid.

    @unimonkiez's coworker: I use 15 spaces.


    @rozzzly: I take that back. THAT is stupid.

    Dev A: ...its not even a multiple of 2
  • 1
    Burn it! Burn it with fire!
  • 0
    @tysa Notepad++? I hope you're joking. You know, like this kind of joke:

    > convince noob coworker that Notepad++ is the editor they should be using
    > coworker continues to use Notepad++, even telling others its a good "text editor"
    > everybody laughs at him
    > feel bad ...but just slightly
  • 3
    @rozzzly not really.
    the method I stated works.
    some people think it's cool to hate on np++ , but it is a decent text editor and is pretty fast (at least for me)
    honestly, I don't even know why I tried.
  • 1
    awweh y u delete comment.

    anyway: no man, you're totally right. If you're doing any serious dev NP++ is a poor choice. But if you just need quickly edit something, then NP++ might be a pretty good choice:
    it gives you some basic syntax highlighting for pretty much any filetype, you can have a few basic keymappings, etc, etc. Much better than notepad.exe & it should load in a like 10th the time that JetBrains/Visual Studio/atom takes.
  • 0
    but from the pic it looks he already had it open in an IDE which is likely to have more sophisticated code formatting. That's really why I was hating on NP++ there.

    NP++ isn't a very good program, but its not bad, and can be just the tool for some jobs.
  • 2
    @rozzzly I wish I hadn't. it was a reflex action tbh.
    anyways, I always use NP++ to read Abby file which doesn't belong to my project (mostly because you can open multiple file types by simply right-clicking the file and selecting edit with notepad++.
    I have never used it, however, to write a line of code for any of my project.

    I mean, why even bother when you have ide's, which help you write your code on every keystroke ?
    anyways, I have stuff to work on.
  • 3
    @tysa @rozzzly - I used to use NP++ for SUPER basic file editing because it was fast and easy. However, now I just open everything in VS Code. Since I dual boot OS X and Windows 10 it's nice to have a consistent experience. It's lightweight and hasn't failed me yet!
  • 1
    @rozzzly it's from Atom, though this guy uses sublime and he doesn't care enough to format his code..
  • 1
    @kargaroth what he said
  • 0
    if you ident ident constantly
  • 0
    is that for i like Python in Ruby
  • 1
  • 1
    @tomexx we have that! And also eslint.
    But eslint doesn't check indentation inside objects and it seems like he was trying hard to make it ugly as fuck even with editorconfig
  • 0
  • 1
    auto format as part of the continuous integration process. Shitty formatting no more!
  • 0
    why bit bucket why
  • 0
    @postitnoteninja what are you talking about? That's my IDE, atom
  • 1
    Sorry posted in wrong place
  • 1
    4 spaces pls
  • 1
    @Rowsdower oooh I love this description! "morning caffeination rituals"
  • 0
    I see someone is testing some shit 😂
  • 2
    lint those motherfuckers
  • 0
    I could say the same for ppl who take a photo instead of screenshot
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