There are two types of linux users
1. one who actually enjoy linux
2. one who just hates windows

  • 5
    And here I am who doesn't care but still uses it because my old crap laptop doesn't have enough horsepower to pull windows.
  • 0
    @LeFlawk coz...idk :P
  • 4
    I don't hate Windows. It has its uses. It's just not nearly as flexible, attractive, functional, or powerful as Linux.
  • 2
    I guess I'm 2nd one...
  • 1
    I am both
  • 1
    I am first one.
  • 2
    3. Hates windows and loves linux
  • 1
    I'm 1+2, but I won't go so far as to say I hate Windows
  • 1
    You can't see that I ++ every comment on this post. But I did that because I agree with everyone comment so far. Haha but of course, I'd choose Linux over Windows. I don't hate Windows though. 😂
  • 0
    literally would rather use Mac than Windows.
  • 2
    $ pacman -Syu

    > Failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)

    $ rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck && !!

    > Error: key 0123456789ABCDEF could not be looked up remotely

    $ pacman-key --refresh-keys && !-2

    > Cannot open shared object file

    $ sudo rm -rf /

    > bittersweet is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

    I'm type 3: I hate Linux, I just really enjoy the self-harm and mental suffering.

    At least it makes me feel something.
  • 1
    @bittersweet And then there's the 3° Category that likes hurting themselves with Arch
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus side-note: I love the username!!
  • 1
    Type 4 here: just wants to use dev tools without vms
  • 0
    @hugh-mungus curious why you guys who say you “hate” Windows? Is it really hate or just prefer Linux? If you really hate windows — why? And have you used it recently?
  • 0

    I think it's a better question to ask why people don't. The reason I don't is because my workflow and daily life no longer depends on it. I guarantee I would hate it, just as I used to, if I had to use it as my primary OS.
  • 0
    as others have mentioned, I am both.
  • 0
    I am both
  • 0
    I am both
  • 0
    I start enjoy Linux when I discover i3wm
  • 0
    I'm number 1.
  • 0
    I’ve seen the same with Android users. Out of the hundreds that I’ve met, one LOVES Android and the others just hate iOS.

    As for all the iOS users met, they all love iOS and equally hate Android.

    Weird that.
  • 0
    Traditionally it's been written as:

    People run Linux because they hate windows.

    People run BSD because they love UNIX.

    For the record I love UNIX and I tolerate wimdows.
  • 0
    Windows is only good for gaming.
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