
Customer: «We want all the users belonging to this organization share the same username and password»
[Editor's note: we are talking about 500 users, more or less half of the total in the system]
Customer, after some minutes: «It's very important for us having the web interface using HTTPS, because we care security a lot».
So, please, go fuck yourself. And die.

  • 7
    that's indeed the dumbest thing i've read in a very long time.
  • 10
    "We want HTTPS because any schmuck with a cheap sniffer shouldn't be able to see how stupid we are"
  • 3
    It’s really difficult to tell someone ...they have a pot of shit for brains and they should replace their jacket with a ‘straight’ jacket and return to the asylum where their padded cell awaits... in a nice way that makes them not look like a fucking imbecile that you would gladly stab with a freshly sharpened HB pencil.
  • 1
    Isn't that the same as having no credentials at all?
  • 1
    @segfault0xff I think it is the same. They no. :(
  • 2
    "Sorry nobody can log in.. that asshole Gary changed the password before he quit. We're fucked."
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