
Brain: hey kiddo, want to stay home and work on your side project today? I'm feeling good.
Me: fuck yeah finally!

*call in sick.
*open laptop. Tabs and editors already waiting.
*play music, no sound.
*system is all laggy.
*fuck, restart.
*Installing windows updates...

*leaves for work.

  • 23
    Windows: Killing motivation since birth
  • 30
    Excuse me
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    I can relate.
    Upgraded recently , but my two Linux VMs run faster with 4gb then the Installed os (windows 10) (16gb ram)

    But windows 7 or 10 with 4gb ram can't handle much nowdays.
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    @RodrigoF haha yeah windows with anything less than 8 gb is pretty useless.
    My system was laggy because updates were waiting for a restart.
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    @Alice fun fact I have been employee of half year. But they've been treating me badly and I need a break from these people. So yeah I'd take a day or two off even if I don't work on anything.
  • 1
    Define "treaten badly"
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    @kalippu this for some reason reminds me of @linuxxx
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    I coded for like 2 or 3 hours only today
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    This 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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    @Linux oh boy! It's a long story with a lot of stuff but here are the bullets :
    - poor environment. I'm not learning anything.
    - poor pay.
    - stagnancy.

    I have talked with my manager. I have talked with my peers. People who are total shits at programming are getting rewarded for efforts (higher pay and position based on time they have been here) while I'm getting more and more grunge work and probably negative growth. After some effort I am able to not give a fuck about them.
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    @dr-ant sounds like you really need a new job
  • 1
    @zfor yeah that's true.
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    @DawidCyron Whyso? :)
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    Do it like I did:
    Join the workers council, make their days at work a place in hell.
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    Oh, we thought you were sick!
  • 0
    So true, even for macOS now.

    Sit down ready for major breakthroughs, positive mental attitude, idea machine in full gear! Huge 40 oz cup of coffee, cup warmer hot, position keyboard and trackpad for kicking some binary ass, open window blinds, crack knuckles, start your engine boys and girls!

    Then debug system processes eating up all processor. Debug Xcode crashing. Debug Xcode debugger crashing. Oh shit, end of day... another major delay for my app due to buggy-ass Apple software and hardware.
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