
SQL & Assembly: The most intuitive languages I have used

  • 6
    Not sure if joke or not 🤔

    I actually think SQL is quite easy to read and understand.. After getting the terminology. It's basically just describing what should be done in normal, readable text.

    That being said, I haven't done super advanced SQL and are still looking for a week where I can study Assembly further.
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    Umm. No.
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    @yendenikhil Umm. OK. I said "I".
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    @Cyanide umm .. ok...

    Haha, that aside, why do you think assembly is most intuitive? (Let's not even begin with SQL). I'm curious to know. Is it because of limited commands set or no frills attached or something that I've not thought of?
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    @yendenikhil It is, for me atleast. If you can describe all the steps of your program in English, then it's just converting those steps in Mnemonics. Simple as that.
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    @Cyanide umm divide 32 bit integer by 16 bit one.. 😁. Gave me challenge in school.
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    Only if you can describe each and every step necessary to reach the solution, and by steps I mean basic atomic steps, not just paraphrasing the question.

    Also, "I feel it intuitive" != "I am an expert in it and can write any program on the go".
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    A true statement in my opinion.
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    @SpaceBearOne apparently it is not sarcasm!
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    MRW learning rollercoaster tycoon is 99% assembly built by one dude in two years...
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