Pick your poison ☠ and tell why in one sentence.
Angular 6
ReactJs(TypeScript or Js version)

  • 4
    React + Redux + Flow (or whatever, just gimme types), because the ELM/Redux pattern is 30yrs-old proven tech: https://goodreads.com/book/show/...
  • 5
    React because I kinda know how it works.
  • 12
    I'm a backender - PHP.
  • 3
    Let’s start a war: Jquery - cross browser support and backwards compatibility.
  • 4
    @C0D4 I use jquery often since i can spend my time better than learning front end JavaScript since I'm not a frontender at all haha
  • 4
    @linuxxx i use it too, it gets the job done, plus with front ends not being changed too often why fix what ain’t broke?

    I tried migrating to angular but ended up giving up. Was more of a pain in the ass then it was worth.
  • 2
    @Haxk20 You forgot the "@".
  • 3
    VueJS - It's the best parts from each framework, worked into a easy to use tool.
  • 1
    Bash + netcat for networking. Noone in this house can touch me on that
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    Laravel. =)
  • 2
    Im vue laravel

    @PrivateGER Vue feels so much like laravel I wonder if it's Taylor's alter ego.

    Maybe he's Batman.
  • 3
    I had one week of research Vue vs Angular vs React. Vue won 4us with no dilemma. It's the best framework in 2018.
  • 1
    @Haxk20 Joke, dude.
  • 0
    Checkout stimulusjs It's made by Basecamp

    Instead of recreating the app on the front end like you do when using angular react Vue.

    It just adds a async layer
    Instead of sending json you'll send, rendered HTML with data.

    Only difference instead of through the backend controller to page pipeline you'll send it through a stimulus controller.

  • 2
    As little JS as possible.

    Frontend heavy websites are unpleasant to use.
  • 2
    @bittersweet I disagree. Refreshing the page always and "jumping" around reloading is not user friendly. SPA's are elegant solution to a common problem. Also, if done right are snappy as hell. We rolled out two single page application and honestly I wouldn't come back to building multi page. It's just uncompearable.
  • 1
    It's simple, fast, powerful anc the template syntax is beautiful
  • 1

    If done right, sure. I'm not convinced Angular, React or Vue are necessary.

    So far, I've seen very few SPAs done right, they're just shipping megabytes of js to the frontend, make the website unstable with cryptic errors, and a pain to use on many devices.

    I feel like we need a bit of a counter movement, stripping websites of all unnecessary crap.

    Plus, if you think about what a user truly NEEDS on a specific page, you can design minimalist views which are incredibly cheap to refresh.
  • 1
    @bittersweet Well it shouldn't be like that. Vue with it's core libraries is around 30kb when built for production. I don't see it as a "heavy" dependency considering jquery is about the same. Maybe you're just moving in the wrong circles :)
  • 0
    ReactJs with Redux/Flux if app is data intensive. Reasons - Native JS, integration with other nice libs, intuitive architecture.
  • 1

    Vue is the least offensive, and react has gotten a bit better.

    But 90% of frontend devs don't have any love for the craft of optimization, they just throw in library after library on top of the framework. Of course, this was also true for Jquery.

    I'm not proposing to lead all frontend devs to the guillotine.

    I'm just proposing that some awareness of the old "less is more" rule is necessary, that a minimalist website which loads within 100ms is more likely to satisfy end users than one which loads sticky menus with animated sparkling glitter fountains of cum.


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    Because my boss told me so.
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    @bittersweet Of course, I agree, any good dev will test it's site load time and framerate. I get what you're saying but you can do a shitty website even the "old" way. It's up to a developer :) I built my personal website with Vue. It's pretty fast even on mobile.
    Try navigating.
  • 0
    Laravel & Angular 6, because personal preference on structure
  • 1
    @DanijelH I hope you are aware of the fact that the default "cursive" fallback font on windows for Architect's Daughter is Comic Sans? 😁

    Other than that, it's a very nice SPA portfolio.

    But I still don't see why you would need it to be a single page app, the total textual content of all pages added together is much smaller than the JS libraries which must be downloaded on the first request. Granted, in your case it happens pretty much instantly regardless of whether it would be SPA or classical HTML.

    Apart from dynamic loading, the other use case of JS is animating.

    The menu at the top of your website is nicely animated and very usable, but personally I do have a problem with such UI elements. They tell a user "take a second to learn how to use my website" instead of "this is the information you need".
  • 1

    I know it comes down to personal taste, but I much prefer websites to be documents instead of applications. If they must be applications... they should be binaries written in a systems programming language instead of javascript running in a browser.

    Probably a lot of people disagree with this stance, but for me, the web is informational. Using it as a platform for applications always ends up feeling hacky, forced and unstable.
  • 1
    @bittersweet I know, I usually use only international characters but had to show someone the site in my country so changed it, gotta change it back :D

    I see, well my recent projects were very feature rich and heavy on data processing with real-time. Without JS framework it would be a million times harder to make it work. I know because I haven't used it before.

    You should look into blazor, I think it will be interesting for you.

    To sum up, let's just agree that it depends on the project and selecting the right tools for the right job πŸ‘
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    React - it's fancy and eventful JavaScript UI library with rich set of plugins and components to use.
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    @mishaor React is fancy? ..React is a baby who you need to nourish for everything and who with other libraries that are btw. not developed by Facebook but by some other people turns into frankeinsteins monster.
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    @DanijelH I'm not spending my time on adding events handlers for elements and then wonder why the fuck something in another part of JS is broken
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    @mishaor You mean you manually write onchange events on a form of 30 elements and you and your team have to maintain 30 methods and you think that is a good idea? We developers make mistakes, framework won't make a mistake, it's covered in tests. I take the framework any time over manual change handling, especially when different inputs or dropdown need to cooperate, or something. I am not even gonna talk about React and rerendering of every subcomponent on every state change πŸ˜‚ ..good luck with shouldComponent update on complex pages. All of this is automatically solved in Vue.
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