
Shower thoughts:
If windows 10 is the last version of windows and all new progress will come as feature updates,

i) How will Microsoft release their currently being researched ReFS file system?

ii) does this mean that windows 10 is turing complete OS?

BTW I use arch ;P

Edit: typo

  • 1
    Well as for ReFS, I recall High Sierra allowing to convert to APFS without dataloss maybe a similar solution will arise in later win10 builds.
  • 2
    @Hallelouia oh great
    Maybe windows is giving yet another chance to people all around the world to rant a bit in future...

    They keep everything planned you see XD
  • 1
    @gitlog Apple didn't make it mandatory, I don't see why Microsoft would.
  • 1
    @Hallelouia Apple did it to the iPhone as well, was a longer then usual update but Zero data loss.

    As for windows... im thinking a backup will be needed for this one.
  • 1
    Windows provides a data loss free conversion from FAT32 to NTFS and has done since Windows 2000 IIRC. Prior to that, they provided a FAT to FAT32 conversion (in MS-DOS 6 I think, my memory may be failing me). There's no reason why they wouldn't follow the same pattern from what I can see - allow for optional conversion until such time as the use of a more powerful FS becomes a necessity for the OS
  • 0
    @Nato I'll say... Nope
  • 1
    BTW I use arch with the zen kernel which is spelled almost like zehn, the german word for 10
  • 1
    @R01101111bert *conspiracy theories arise*
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