
A family of four lurking side by side on an already extremely small sidewalk? Stop reproducing or I will start kicking your fucking kids in front of the next truck.
Ignoring the traffic laws as a biker and almost crashing into me because you just didn't care for the traffic light? Fuck you! Next time I see you I will stick a steel rod in between your spokes so you fly into the next cars window.
Randomly and spontaneously stoping on the sidewalk while I am at my top walking speed? Next time I will just run you over. With a bulldozer. And than again in reverse. I just don't get people, I guess.

  • 6
  • 6
    "People! What a bunch of bastards!"
  • 2
    Alrighty then😳
  • 0
    Perfectly sums up a small portion of my rage
  • 3
    It's a specific case of the general issue of idiots not having any spatial awareness or care for the people around them. See also, people who get on/go in an area before everyone else has gotten off/gotten out. Elevators, subways, buses, even crowded aisles of the grocery store... LET OTHERS OFF/OUT BEFORE YOU CRAM YOUR DUMB ASS IN THERE. Thank you, this has been a public service announcement. 🤦
  • 0
    Wise words
  • 1
    @HollowKitty FIFO is beyond some people..
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