
Why the fuck am I - who never had a girlfriend in his life - the person my friends come to to get relationship advice?

Well, I can tell them what no to do...

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    for the first time in my life i see somebody also saying they never had a gf in his life before. i am glad im not alone. so the hope exists afterall...
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    Tun was für dich.
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    @CoffeeNcode But most coaches, at least the good ones, have played lol
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    Personally, in BMX, I can teach some moves without being able to execute them. More generally, everyone can say somebody draws well and give advice without drawing well themselves. Experience doesn't really have to do with judgement in most cases, as long as it's not too in-depth.

    Also, it happened to me too before I had my first girlfriend (which, by the way, came naturally, and didn't need any special moves to get) :)
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    I guess they just want to talk to someone grounded if shit gets psycho. My experience is that you can just ignore half of what women say in a relationship - but the art is to know which half.
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    @Fast-Nop Well I love every bit mine says, so I guess I haven't reached that stage yet :P
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    @Floydian Well at least you know where the issue is. Now you just need to report the bug to the head team, roll up your sleeves, and talk to one person. That's all it takes.

    I would give you a story of mine but I know I'm always boring, so here's a sum up: I talked to one person, which made me discover a bunch of others, and one of them I fell in love with. I'm an asocial (a lvl 100 one) so I just naturally ditched most of them, but in there I found my love :)
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    @1989 Isn't he your clone then? I don't know, since he comes after and stuff...
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    @TheOct0 Oh I didn't imply some sort of coldness or even dislike, or relationship falling apart, though I've exaggerated a bit.

    However, if you take everything serious, you end up fostering drama. If you don't take anything serious, it won't last for more than a few nights, and even that only if you're hot enough.
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    @Fast-Nop I understood what you meant, but I wouldn't have phrased it this way. "Not everything is to be taken the same way" feels better than "You can ignore half of what she says" :)
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    @1989 But which one came first? ô.o
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