
I used to use Firefox few years ago, but people around me called me fool and told me that Chrome was much better.
Now I use Chrome and you devRanters are making me feel like fool again.
Lesson Learnt: Stand straight on your decisions

  • 10
    I use to use Firefox then chrome came to life. Now all browsers feel like slow overbloated hunks of shit, so I just stick to chrome.
  • 5
    Didn't know we can make someone feel like fool.
    I always go with my personal experience, never religious about any thing.
  • 2
    Ur in my clan!
    I liked ie back when xp and 7 was there,
    Then there were no major updates, then switched to chrome and Firefox

    My mobile I use Firefox focus and rocket
  • 3
    There is no universal good thing.
    There is only universal evil.

    (¬_¬) IE
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    @jAsE waiting for that day :D
  • 2
    Anyone here using Netscape Navigator? D:
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    Firefox is fast as hell now
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    See for the reason I dont use chrome anymore: https://devrant.com/rants/1395488/...
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    @gamingfail123 I was using few moments back, then time traveling happened
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    @beegC0de is it... Is it really.

    I remember Firefox vs chrome dilemma. I spent time on it, tried each one for a day. I picked chrome really just because I use Gmail a lot for a project . That was 2 years ago. Plus I have an android phone. Chrome seemed the most convenient pick. This update you all speak of has not reached me yet. Frankly though I think I liked Firefox better.

    I'm scared
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    @Floydian hahahaha, I’m glad we agree on one thing
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    @COD4 @Floydian are you twins?
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    @samsepiol why would you think that?
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    @Floydian ๐Ÿค”guess i can find someone else to confuse for the day ๐Ÿ˜…
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    @Floydian wait did she leave too?
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    goddamn I hate it when guys pretend to be girls

    I flirt with girls a lot. (not in a bad way, calm down millenials) Then when i find out it's a dude I want to take many cold showers.

    stop it! @COD4
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    @rant1ng oh what’s wrong sweetie ๐Ÿ˜˜

    @Floydian well dont I feel like an idiot right now
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    *throws up violently*
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    I use edge, Vivaldi and sometimes chrome. Heck even IE if I really have to
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    I used to love Firefox, then Chrome appeared. At first, it was crashy, but soon it became a good browser and was my default browser for a long time.

    But now I don't feel that big difference anymore. Browser speed, RAM usage, they are all very similar to my usage. So I am using chromium to work and Firefox for my personal stuff.
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    Just use whatever works for you. Then check on the other browsers from time to time to see what updates they've made. If you're a web dev, it's probably in your interest to do so anyway. Don't have to use what others tell u homie.
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    @rant1ng I think Firefox 57 and after they started replacing parts of Gecko with Servo components, ex) Stylo
  • 1
    I use Firefox all the way. Modern browser which has tons of good addons and tracking protection by default.

    Wouldn't even use chrome at work if required (I'd go look for a job which allows the use of a non-google browser) to.

    Chromium sometimes when testing stuff.
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