
Fellow iPhone users and broke bitches too cheap to get the battery replaced or buy a new phone, I have noticed that I get a lot smoother performance and a more gradual if steeper battery life with apples bullshit process slowing turned off. Now anything below 20% is a flip of a coin if the phone will turn off, but with it on it chews the top end of the battery much faster and seems to die more when idle.

PS don’t use fast chargers.

  • 7
    Imma be an asshole and just say:

    You wouldn't be broke if you didn't buy that overpriced mediocre phone.

    Followed by a:

    I don't actually care what you use, it's just a joke.
  • 1
    too many phones without bare necessities nowadays, like

    A headphone jack
    A removable battery
    A charging port
    A price people can pay for
    Freedom to slightly modify a thing you purchased
  • 2
    @Parzi the direction the market has gone is frustrating and the barriers to entry are relatively high 😒

    I’ll just stick to drinking the Apple juice for now
  • 2
    Apple seem to have this wild idea that a Phone is worth more then anything else on the market now.

    As for loosing the headphone jack, sure it’s a pain but Bluetooth headphones are reasonable... unless you’re an audiophile... for quality and comfort.

    But in saying that it’s not just Apple being a greedy fuck, all the other manufacturers are aswell, I mean Android phones over $1500 that are no better (build quality or features overall - yea ok you can “do shit and flash it and what not”, but at a stock vs stock level it’s no better)

    Hi from an iPhone 6s
  • 0
    @C0D4 it's interesting you say this. My $40 Huawei phone is equivalent to an iPhone 6 or 7 or so. Equivalent hardware doesn't have to be the same price between iDevices and Android devices, especially if you look outside mainstream brands. Plus, headphone jacks are useful for just plugging in and going, especially since you don't have to worry about charging yet another device and connecting it and potentially having signal issues and interference and being hijacked and...
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