
Windows 10 loves to freeze... especially when I wrote more than 200 lines of code and I'm pointing the cursor on the Save icon!

Thanks MS, you know how to give me a heart attack.

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    some shitty editor?
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    @KeyWeeUsr ehm... Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise (maybe it's shitty, but costs $1.199) XD
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    Auto save. Learn it, live it, love it.

    Btw, I use W10 and VS2015 and I have never had it freeze a single time on any of my machines. Just saying.....
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    @JS96 higher cost != higher quality :D
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    @KeyWeeUsr you're right, but in this case it's a solid software
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    Out of the all the problems I never had problems with saving. Double check your hard drive maybe?
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    @tahnik the problem is not with the saving... Windows 10 froze before I could click on the icon :P
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    I'm not being a fanboy or something, but i really don't see why people blame Windows 10, for me it never freezes, kinda faster than 7, love the whole flat theme
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    @JS96 I wouldn't call "solid" to anything made by Microsoft, lol. It might be the only .NET available option, but that doesn't make it solid at all, just saying.
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    Why click the icon? That feels like it costs so much more time than pressing ctrl+s
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    Something you might want to try: chkdsk, defrag(if not ssd), sfc /scannow, latest updates and drivers installed. A crashing pc is not for work, it's a tool for torture :)
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    @DarKneT actually, I'm a kind of fanboy of MS, I always had Windows on my machines, I have a Lumia 950. This isn't a criticism of the all MS ecosystem, I prefer W10 to W7 too, but sometimes, after the Anniversary Update, it freezes. Probably it's because I don't made a clean installation of W10 when I switched from W8.1.

    @LucaScoprion @albizgil I don't know why, but I use both xD In this case I would click on the save icon and then press ctrl+s.
    It's a kind of guarantee that I have not forgotten to do one of two.
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