How to get attention on eBay

  • 20
    Cat approved*




    *cat not included.
  • 1
    📌 Link pls
  • 2
    I could probaby shorten a lot of this out but: https://ebay.com/p/...
  • 1
    @cvonderstein Anything after ? you can remove. Looks like a good bang for the buck though.. except for that $192 extra cost o.O shipping perhaps? Is it gonna be shipped with DHL or UPS instant delivery or something like that?!
  • 1
    @Condor it's gonna be magically teleported and hooked up for you, when you're not looking
  • 0
    @djlazz3 bring it on! 😍
  • 0
    Cat not included*
  • 1
    @Condor didn't work (tested it before posting the link) because this link some kind of forwards you from the original entry I found this on.
  • 2
    @cvonderstein looks like it also needs the iid thingy.. so https://ebay.com/p/... should do. I guess that eBay being in bed with those PayFucks, it's one of their "features" 🙃
    Oh well, at least it's got less GET crap up the back of the links than the average AliExpress link does.. that shit's just nasty. But you can remove all of it and still have the link working (there everything after ? is just tracking I guess), so there's that.
  • 1
    @Condor Amazon links are also very good mostly 😄
  • 1
    @Bl4ck0u7 Shipping costs are insane but it would be delivered in max 3 days to Poland.
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